Mike Moyer is an award-winning presenter who teaches people all over the world to master pitching techniques using the Super-Awesome Presentation Zone Program which is a framework for presenting that emphasizes non-verbal communication and stage presence.
Mike is a career entrepreneur and investor who has started and run companies in a variety of industries ranging from clothing manufacturing to marketing technology. Today he runs Slicing Pie, a SaaS company that helps startup founders create perfectly fair equity splits, and MosquitOasis that makes pop-up mosquito net tents for kids.
He teaches entrepreneurship at Northwestern University and has held other faculty appointments at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and MIT. He has written ten books with a focus on business and entrepreneurship including The Slicing Pie Handbook: Perfect Equity Splits for Bootstrapped Startups and Will Work for Pie: Building Your Company With Equity Instead of Cash.
