Will expand on Optimizing Family Office Collaboration on Investments and Philanthropies – with a CIO Council, global open architecture community, wide funnel but disciplined execution, partnering with lead investors (typically top-tier fund managers), partnering with innovative philanthropies, curating relationships, maintaining full regulatory compliance and background checks and vetting of funds and deals, etc.,
See LinkedIn intro
or 361Firm’s community has grown to 5K+ participants from 32 countries – primarily family offices (2200+), institutional investors (1300+), Fund Managers (400+), and otherwise CXOs and thought leaders – all collaborating on both investments and philanthropic interests. Per our updated 361 Overview Deck (https://bit.ly/361_overview) and Video (https://youtu.be/KiDcchr1KLU), we connect largely via events, so far in 58+ cities, 20+ countries (see 361firm.com/events and 361firm.com/synopses) + Zooms via Weekly Tuesday 11AM ET Briefings (361firm.com/briefings) and Daily 10:30AM Meetups. We also inter-connect via our private 361 App (https://361firm.App) with different content/feeds based on 361Firm Members, Qualified Purchasers, Accredited Investors and Co-Leaders.