Luke Layman is a decorated fighter pilot, serial entrepreneur, investor and transformation coach.

With decades of experience leading high performance and high growth organizations, Luke has cracked the code on how to live with INTENTIONAL ALIGNMENT, enjoying all the best that life has to offer while sustainably growing businesses across the globe. He has led multiple 7 and 8 figure businesses as well as leading the highest performing organizations in the United States Air Force.

Amongst his many accolades he is the recipient of a Combat Action Medal and Single Mission Air Medal for combat operations flown in the A-10 Warthog. Additional, Luke is the recipient of multiple business awards included being voted Top 40 under 40 in 2019.

Luke’s Entrepreneurial Accelerator Framework is the method which he applies in his own businesses as well as those he invests in. The pillars for success are coaching high performance mindset by Becoming the Commander, accelerating revenue and profit in his Jet Fuel Sales and Marketing Strategy, and creating leveraged growth systems in the Auto Pilot Method.