Investing VS Trading With Dion Pouncil
Dion Pouncil is a student of life, husband, father, teacher, and a licensed financial service professional. His broad experiences in life have helped him narrow his focus on the priorities of his mission: helping 76 million people improve their lives through trading and financial education. He plans to exceed these goals through his role as Principal & Chief Investment Officer at Pouncil Capital and lead instructor at MoneySkool. For Pouncil Capital he partners with institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals to produce absolute risk adjusted performance returns. At MoneySkool Dion teaches everyday people about mindset and creating generational wealth with simple to use, beautifully designed, and easy to understand content on investing, trading stocks options futures bonds forex crypto currency etc.
Good day fellow deal-makers. We're recording this on a Friday. This is a pretty exciting, I don't know when it's actually going to publish my team decides that for me, but on today's show, we're going to talk about money. I see this huge sign in this guy's background money never sleeps. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow deal-makers. Let's welcome Dion to the show. Welcome, man.
Thank you so much for having me, Josh. I really appreciate it.
Money never sleeps. All right. Talk to us. What the heck does that mean? And who the heck are you?
Yeah, so first and foremost, my name is Deon Palsule. I am the principal and chief investment officer of council capital, which is a systematic hedge fund. That'd be run down here in the Miami Florida area. Money never sleep actually is two parts to this image you see in the background wall street was a movie that came out in the late eighties, early nineties, Gordon gecko is like a famous character from it. In a late in the early two thousands Shilo LeBouf was the star of the second version of the movie called wall street money never sleeps. Those are two of my favorite movies. I just liked that tagline from the money never sleeps version. Also a good friend of mine does canvas art and he created this design all his own. He has like a canvas art drop-shipping company and it just flow right in.
I was like, I need that one right there. That's how those two days came together to get this background image that you see here today.
Side-by-side, let's ask a movie question cause I love the arts. I love entertainment. I love looking at a movie and learning from that side by side wall street from the eighties with Charlie sheen, Michael Douglas versus the one with Shiela Boff, which one would you say is more realistic when it comes to investing in hedge funds and the hustle and bustle of the world?
Well, realistic, you see more of the grit and the grind in the original. They would give me more insight into, he was like basically starting from nothing, just, got licensed not too long ago. After, before the movie started work this way up and Gordon Gekko was his first big whale client. I would say that's more insight on maybe as an investment manager or Schrader, as they grow their client base and the, some of the training experiences that he was going through the wall street money never sleeps was more of a story, right? It was, it was kind of modeling what was going on around the financial crisis of oh eight Gordon gecko was getting out of jail. Those things were more dramatic and it was less about the actual, training and client acquisitions and stuff like that. Two great movies, slightly different approaches.
Yeah. Got it. If they made a movie about you, who would they use as your actor?
Well, I'm semi making a movie about myself,
I would like.
To play myself in this movie, but I think that we're taking more of a document approach. We're kind of documenting literally me building up this company and me helping people create generational wealth. Like my tagline or my mission is to help 75, a million plus people improve their lives through financial education and training and investing. So I made that decision last year. I don't want to get too dramatic, but last year I was on my death bed and I made that decision to help the world become at least 1% better before I got up out of here. At that time it was 7.5 billion people on the planet. That's where I got the 75 million number from.
All right. I love deathbed conversations. That sounds super weird, right? No, but I like it. I like it once the person survives and then goes back. Right. What did we learn from this situation? Talk to us about your deathbed situation, how you rose from it and why it inspired you to go for this big ass goal?
Yeah. Well originally I'm from the south side of Chicago. I literally grew up inglewood, so I got multiple survival stories. To tell from there. Last year specifically I caught COVID-19 and June 6th and by June 18, no, I'm sorry, July six. By June 18th, I was in the hospital. And so I was battling, battling. Finally my wife convinced me to go to the hospital. I went to the hospital for sure after I got done trading. That's when I was at the hospital, like 11:00 AM. By 1:00 PM, I was intensive care on oxygen. I spent the next three or four weeks in the hospital have blood clots in my lungs. I was fighting for air and lost 35 pounds in two weeks. Could barely breathe, walk, talk, all of that. On the day they initially put me intensive care, the doctor was like, you should probably call your family, started getting things in order.
You might not make it through tonight. I didn't accept any of that were Butte that I'm very big on. I, I gave my gate irrigating and protecting what type of energy is allowed into my spirit. I'm very big on rebuking or deflecting. Anything that I don't agree with don't believe in. So I did that. They would not want, they didn't want me to get up and go back and forth to the restroom because I was so weak and I could barely walk. I was like, listen, you guys can do, pretty much whatever you need for me in here. There's two things I'm not going to do. I'm never going to take the COVID vaccine and I'm also going to get up and I'm going to go to the restroom every time. I went to the restroom, I would look myself in the mirror and I would talk to myself and I would encourage myself and say, you're going to beat this.
I believe in you. You're a fighter. You're all of these encouraging things to my spelt myself and literally speak life over myself. I could see gradually during that process, me getting better over time. Ended up beating it and getting released from the hospital at that passed the oxygen test that passed the walk and tests and things of that nature. Literally my newborn was born 15 minutes later that day I got released from the hospital. It was, it was a lot, I'm very grateful to be able to go through that experience and come out on the other side and just, the conversations that I have with myself in that commitment. Cause I'm more of a behind the scenes person. So I'm more low key. Like my wife is a financial influencer. She has a blue check on Instagram and the most light last four or five years, I've just kind of really be like her Instagram husband land Llandeilo behind the scenes and just working on my businesses and things like that.
When I was on while I was in a hospital, I committed to say, what if I do truly want to make impact? Cause at this time I think our course had like maybe 4,000 students. I say, I see the impact on the lives that we're having here. If I truly want to help people and I want to help more people, I'm gonna have to come in front of the camera and share a story to be able to reach more people. That's when I committed to come back in front of the camera and share the stories and teach and encourage people. That's where I came up with the 75 million, because at that time it was like 7.5 billion people on the planet. That's kind of a synopsis of some of what occurred last year.
Well, congratulations man. All right. Out of all this stuff, I know we're going to talk about money. I know we're going to talk about hedge funds and deals and markets and this and that. You got training programs and a big ass goal. Right. I know we're going to talk a lot about this, but I think for us deal makers, right? I've, I've gone through a lot of situations. My deathbed was almost self-inflicted when I was standing on a bridge thinking of, doing a Swan dive because I cashed out pension. Yeah. You're welcome. I did it just for you buddy. So, I think that when you face death or when you face a hard time in your life choosing life, right. Choosing life through this is something us dealmakers is a pivotal point in our lives. Now you said something, you chose life, you looked at the mirror every day and you said, you could do this Dion.
You could, you got this, you're speaking to your soul out of the mouth, right at the power of the tongue chooses life and death, right? A wise book talks about this and every day you're going, this is the truth. This is the truth. Doctors are saying one thing. And you said, Nope. You even use a cool word rebuke. You said irrigate mind, gate, eye, gate, irrigate, whatever, all those gates that you were talking about. Yeah. I'm not allowing that crap in my spirit. Why is that so important to you? Cause that's what I want to talk about a steel makers before we get to the point of death before we have to face that, protecting that stuff, I think is important. Talk to us about that.
Yeah. So I'm very big on energy. I'm very a firm believer that you have the power of life and death in your tongue. A lot of it was my background, I was raised in a Christian community, but also I'm a math and physics nerd at the core. Always wanting to understand the why behind something and then understanding how powerful energy is. I could get a little nerdy and a little technical, just bear with me here. We all live in this world, as we know it is, we can understand humans can see in three dimensions, we can mathematically prove 12 to 13 dimensions. I can only see, height, width, and length, right. There's literally nine to 10 more dimensions that are right here right now that we can mathematically prove that I can not see. Right. Knowing that and understanding that I also know another level that we have Newtonian physics, which is the first three laws of physics are, object or object that is, most of this will remain motionless and less equal, greater forces acted upon it.
We have, the law of force that if you apply a Mo energy, you apply force to an object, it will move. We have, for every action, there's an equal opposite reaction. If you understand those three laws of physics, just let a simple level, those three laws basically govern the entire world, right? And so those things are energy-based. We have those down to math. We have those down to a science. If I came to you 200 years ago and I said, Hey, humans could flop. You would probably thought I was crazy. You know, you say, get outta here. Or maybe they might, Hey you, if they thought you were witch or something, but now we fly humans in an aluminum tube at 500 miles an hour in the sky, thousands of times a day. The reason that we can do that is because we understand the mathematical principles of force that enable us to defy gravity, right?
If we can understand those principles and we can get it down to a math, into a science and we can manipulate this earth of this world, how we want to achieve a goal. I started to apply those principles to my mindset and to my life, right? Thoughts are things they vibrate at a certain frequency. If I am vibrating at a certain frequency mentally, and I'm focused on the energy that I am putting out, the third law of physics says that for every action, there's an equal opposite reaction. If I'm thinking positive, I'm thinking about wealth. If I'm thinking about abundance, if I'm thinking about peace and I'm thinking about love. If I am putting those energies out, those energies must return to me. It's just physics, right? And I just keep it real simple. I talk about, and I get in mind gate, the things that you listen to our energy, they are vibrations.
If you are listened to a certain type of content or a certain type of music, or you're watching a certain type of content, those things are being poured in your spirit and you are agreeing with those things and you are receiving those things. You watch someone, you listen to something you and agreement. When you are in agreement, you activate another law of physics, which is, harmony and unity, and you have a combination of these forces. Now these things begin to gain more force and more energy. As things began to gain more force and more energy, you activate other laws of physics like momentum and inertia. You started using these things you could say, well, I could use these things to my benefit, or I could allow these things to affect me negatively. If I start working towards my goal must start working towards me cause I'm putting energy in it.
I'm putting accents in it. I am applying force towards my goal and my goal by the third law of physics must start working towards me. I use those that knowledge to manifest my dreams into reality. I take a very mathematical systematic approach to those things. And so that's how my mind operates. That's how I've been able to have a lot of success in my life. I like to simplify things to easily repeatable steps and not try to recreate the wheel right. And keep it simple. That is a more in depth version to how I approach things. But that is the why. And, and so when I hear certain things that I don't agree with, I don't have to be disrespectful or I don't have to call somebody out or I don't have to waste any energy because I'm big on energy management. I can just say, I don't receive that.
Or I rebuke that, or I do not agree with that. Me reflecting and deflecting that energy is me not accepting those things. Things that I do here, I may agree with. If I agree with it, it can go to another level and then you can touch and agree with somebody and amplify something or accelerate the process. So they're there. Those, these things are very well known, very well documented, very simple to understand. It's just about the perspective of using those things actually for the things you want to accomplish in your life,
Bro, you totally nerded out on me.
I might get a little nerdy, but,
But I forgot to hit record. You might have to go through all that. I'm just kidding, man. This is so cool because I've never heard it put this way. Right? So, I've, I've studied, not as in-depth as you just to be super clear for people who know me, they'll call BS on that. Like, but I I've studied. I studied energy. I studied the, the, the laws of attraction. I studied what we say and how we speak it. Like Tony Robinson, Tony Robbins does it all the time about affirmations and all this stuff. Let me ask you this question. As we, as let me revert this back to you, is there a time where you didn't understand this or we're doing this negatively and we're reaping the negative effects of these actions or these laws of physics?
I have had this approach for a long time, but I can, I seen the effects on other people, even if it was from me. Right? So I'm the eldest of three. In the hood growing up, we always played a thing called the dozens. We're always talking about each other, like who could tell the best degrading joke about somebody, which as an adult, and then looking back at it from an energetic standpoint, it's like, wow, this is terrible. How do we even allow this to happen? I grew up in that environment and in that you know that world, and you can literally see how that those words can affect another kid's life, or you can see how they might agree with that or accept those words over time. It becomes a part of their character. I've seen the positive and negative effects of that. Also like one of my favorite books is called the wisdom of failure.
In his book, he talks about all of these business blowups like Ron, and all these companies have had bankruptcy. These are major scandals and how the premise of the book is that humans learn through experience. The whole thought thread through the book is that yes, humans learn through experience, but you don't have to personally go through the experience to learn from it. You can read about Enron, see what they did and choose not to take that route. Well, we learned this growing up very early. Like I grew up inglewood and I will walk out of the house and I would see crack heads, or I would see Hennessy bottles around the block. We had to say was like, I don't have to do crack to no practice, bad. Like I can see Johnny on the corner and I could see his experience. I choose not to have that experience.
Right. We have choice in, we have a wheel that we can, exert one things. I choose not to do certain things and I choose not to learn certain experiences personally. I can read about them. I can learn about them and I can decide which ones. Seeing those things growing up, I could see that how impactful and how important they are to speak life and yourself and to other people. Now, being married and a father of two girls, I could see how impressionable and just how much of a sponge humans really are just watching human development happen in real time.
Yeah, dude. From Anglewood to hedge fund, how the heck does that happen?
Yeah, that's a journey in and of itself, right? I had the opportunity to get out of Inglewood through a baseball scholarship. I went to Hofstra university in long island, New York. Played some college baseball, then played some professional, independent baseball for awhile. Those things got me the ability to travel around the country and travel around the world, be exposed to different things. I got exposed to different levels of money and wealth early though. One of my AAU coaches had the opportunity to play for, he had a mansion in high park in Chicago. High park inglewood are literally separated by blocks. So high park, the Obama's lived there. Oprah has a house there, dignitaries from around the world and you could the university of Chicago. You can literally cross the block from 60th, which is like the end of university of Chicago inglewood started 61st and you could get shot and killed.
So, the, the day and night levels of wealth and things like that were very prevalent in my, in my environment. I was able to see kind of the discrepancies and again, say, Hey, this is the life that I want to live. I have the opportunity to go to Hofstra, play baseball. I, and I, I had really good grades coming out of high school and things of that nature after baseball transitioned into the corporate business world knew that was not going to be the route for me for a long time. So I started around the long run. A lots of entrepreneurship started a digital agency. Digital agency led into us building technology, building the technology led me to moving to the bay slash LA. During those times building apps, raising money for apps consulting with tech companies, and then eventually ended up working at a venture capital firm out of LA that venture firm had two sides of the house.
They had the venture side and the trading side. I migrated to the trading side and also around the same time I was working at that firm. I met the young lady who is now my wife, and she had been trading since she was 16. She was a former high net worth wealth manager for UBS. We just really went hard on the trading together, which led to us creating. She had already had her financial education company. I started working on my hedge fund and then together, collectively we had started the investing course. All of those, our brief synopsis of how now I am a licensed series, three hedge fund manager, and we're here today.
Super cool. Now in this show, I love to ask, deal questions, money questions, and also personal questions, right? Because to do deal with people, you got to know like, and trust them. We leverage this show to put deals and deal makers together. That's the purpose. That's how we make money. Ourselves is brokering relationships and brokering deals. I leverage this show to get to know people and let the audience know people. Hopefully they do a deal with you. Okay. That's very transparent from the very beginning. Yeah. Thanks man. Personal question. There's one street that separates these two major wealth gaps. Right. We talk about a wealth gap and we're like, it's getting wider. It's getting wider. Right? Like when we talk about the rich and the poor and the middle-class is disappearing and this wealth crap in Chicago or wherever you, the Inglewood, right. There's a street that separates the gap, right?
As you are going through your journey, did you, was it hard for you to crest over that from one side to the other? There's there any forces trying to pull you back to the other side of the street?
Yeah. So I love Chicago. That is my favorite city in the world. And it's nothing like summertime shot. Good. The food amazing Chicago also is one of the most segregated cities in the country. Okay. It is literally compartmentalize to a certain extent like blacks over here, whites over here and Hispanics over here, Asias Asians in Chinatown. Like, it's, it's, it really is like that. To see the discrepancy or to see the segregation is not difficult because you can literally go from Inglewood to a high park and completely change the nationalities and ethnicities example. I graduated from high school, with 3000 students. We have one Hispanic student, two white teachers in the entire school, the rest was black, right. So it is very distinct like that. You don't have to go too far to see the separation of players. That that's one thing. The second thing is the, I think beyond segregation or beyond racism and things of those natures, you have classes.
I think that's really what you're talking about when you talk about the difference between the poverty or the haves and the haves nots and classism and wealth money is green or money. Doesn't have a color. Once you get to a certain level of wealth, genuinely, nobody cares. Like they don't care whether you're white, black, green, red, like, what you talked about is, do I know you do like you do. I trust you, can you do what you say that you can do? Can you do it in a professional, respectable manner? Can you do it at an affordable price? Right? For me, being blessed to have the opportunity to be exposed to those different worlds at an early age, I was able to be formed and cultured enough to see how real wealth operates. Real wealth cares more about their time and their leg. It's not necessarily what are we doing today?
We're not necessarily how much money can I make today. It's how can this deal create passive income and or income that can work for me? How can that income be passed down through my generations? Once I was able to understand that, then those are the things that I began to seek because my grandfather died when I was nine. I kind of became the man of the family at a very early age. Every decision that I was making was how can I get my family out of it? How can we create well so that nobody in my bloodline ever experiences, the things that I had to go through. And so I take that approach. I always say, like, I'm played forever, I'm playing the low game. I make decisions about people or networking or deals, it's not about getting rich quick. It's not about how can I make money off of this right now?
Yes. I want to be able to generate some revenue off of this opportunity now, but does this align with my bigger picture long-term goals? How can we implement those things? So that is a streamline process. And that is what I think. Real deal makers and real wealth generators are always focused on whether it's consciously or subconsciously. Once we can kind of get past that. Now we can say a deal is really you have a product or service. I have capital, we're looking for a agreeable price that we both feel is valuable, where we eat off of the deal, whether that's me giving the product a service, or you getting the trading capital it, how can we make sure that it's fair enough for us both to accept? Right? Those are the ways that I look at the deal flow in that approaches and it being a trader.
When we break down the energy of trading and we break down what a trade actually is, that really is what it is. You have a seller that's selling an asset or instrument, whether that's a stock, a bond, a future, a cryptocurrency, whatever it is, you have a seller. Somebody who says, I want to sell this asset either for profit or because I believe it's about to decrease. You have a buyer. Somebody is saying that I have capital, or I have resources that I want to find somebody that is selling something that I want, or like cows, chickens, stocks, bonds, whatever it is, product or service. I have capital or resources. If I want to find somebody that's offering that service to me, and this is the price that I'm willing to pay for it. When you match that seller and you match that buyer, you got a deal.
If we can keep all those things to those symbolist formats, then we will be able to close whatever deal and whatever industry and whatever asset class we want and able to make sure that everybody wins and everybody eats.
That's pretty cool, man. So hedge fund, right? We've interviewed private equity, venture capital bunch of real estate syndicators. We've interviewed a bunch of different models, on the show. People could go back and learn the different business models of each different type of group. What's the business model of a hedge fund.
Yeah, so essentially a hedge fund is, can be considered as private equity, but it is a lane where the resources or the capital is specifically traded in the capital markets. That could be in the public market. You have hedge firms that trade equities or trade stock. You can have, has firms that trade, excuse me, private assets. Ahead fund can actually invest into real estate can actually invest into venture capital or start a product. The primary offering is trading in public markets. So we can trade stocks. We can trade bonds, we can trade crypto. We can trade Forex. We can trade futures. We can trade most of those general public equity classes or public asset classes. We do it in a two different approaches. You have discretionary, whereas humans are making the decision and then you have algorithmic where the computer generated models are making the decision.
I run a systematic algorithmic based, Hey, it's fun. So we're about 97% autonomous. At that 3% is like, me making the decisions or the assets that we will train in. And then we train our models. As you can see in the background to trade for us, essentially 24 hours a day, depending on the asset class. A hedge fund is different from a mutual fund because a mutual fund is a fund that is raising. You're only looking to trade in those public stock markets and things of that nature. There is a discrepancy on the types of asset class that can separate Hage from venture, from private equity, but it's more literally to trade, to buy something relatively low, sell it relatively high, or sell it relatively high and buy it back relatively low in the effort of trading specifically.
You were going through the different models, right? Like your, you and your wife are doing financial literacy, she's got the blue check mark on Instagram. You're the Instagram husband hiding in the background who every once in a while gets pulled onto a video or a picture to show how awesome of a dad you are right on Instagram. Right? How did you choose hedge fund versus, Hey, let's just do this for ourselves. Let's just teach other people how to do that. Why, why did you choose hedge?
Yeah. In 2018, when I was at the BC fund, like I say, I was migrating already towards the trading side of the house, then met my wife, who was a trader. I have read a book maybe two years prior called beat the dealer by Edward Thorpe. I would say so two of the most impactful books that got me on this road would be Edward Thorpe, beat the dealer and Reginald F Lewis. Why should white guys have all the funds? Right. So, so Edward Thor, have you ever seen the movie? 21?
Kevin Spacey's character is based off of Edward Thorpe. Edward Thorpe was a Harvard MIT professor mathematicians and physicists came up with a card counting system, taught herself how to count cards using Matt went and crest Vegas for millions and millions of dollars. That is a true.
Story. He taught other people how to do.
It. Yes. And that's a true story. The movie in the true story becomes a book called beat the dealer becomes a book called 21. They bought the rights to beat the dealer and made it into the movie. 21. I read the book, taught myself how to count cards it has had and have had very successful nights in Vegas playing blackjack. Two years later, I come across a book called beat the dealer. I mean, beat the market, which is also by Edward Thorpe. Once he got banned from Vegas and got bored, he started channeling his efforts to the stock market and worked with a couple of people and came up with some financial systems that really polarized the hedge fund industry. Now he's still alive and runs multiple multi-billion dollar hedge funds. I read this book and I was like, wow, I know what I did with the beat, the dealer book, I'm already interested in trading and I'm already leaning towards the trading side of this house.
Let me start a hedge fund it because I want to take the same skill set, work ethic, et cetera, et cetera. I want to start a hedge fund because if he could do it, I can do it. That is literally what got me on the path. I just started ordering a bunch of books studying to start, prepare myself, to launch a hedge fund. Now, fast forward, two more years after that it's 2020, the pandemic has swept across the world. Everything shut down. You almost, we began to teach our I'm sorry, but this is prior to, so now we're in 2020 and we began to teach our family, these financial education principles, and our family started learning and making money. Sometimes family is the most difficult to deal with. We're like, wait, they can get it. Anybody can get it and do it right. We launched the course in August, 2020.
Excuse me, within 12 months time, we got about 3000 students. Those students were making hundreds of thousands close to millions of dollars within the 12 months, with 12 months on them. That literally just started as a course of let us help. Some people like living. My wife was like, if we can help 20 people, I would count this as a success. The first month we had 66 students and it just took off from there. The business itself went from zero to 10 million in 18 months, the students went from zero to 30 to 4,500. We're almost at five students now. The students have made hundreds of thousands, millions, and millions of dollars trading the strategies that we've taught them since August, 2020. It's been an amazing journey and the money is cool, but the impact that we've made, I mean, we have hundreds, if not thousands of videos of people giving testimonies and crying and talking about how it impacted their life and how they're teaching your children and, really, breaking generational curses with those people, finding the light, if you will, through some financial education and financial literacy.
Those things are very powerful and important to us.
Did you and I are going to have some cool conversations maybe after this thing. Yeah. Why we're recording, cause I don't want to get us too far off topic. Right. I think that there's some mindset stuff that we have to discuss because I've made money, lost money, made money, lost money. If I look back, I'm pretty good at it. Right.
I think all good deal people. You gotta, you gotta, you got to experience both sides, right? Yeah.
Yeah. If I look back at it, I think a lot of it had to do around mindset and a lot about, you, we talk about energy. We talk about what's going on between the ears. I'll tell you, man, didn't matter how much money I made in those time periods or whatever. I was going to lose it because something in me says, I wasn't worth it. Something in me that says you don't deserve this. Something in me that says, you're probably going to blow it up and destroy it anyways. Right now you can teach people, right. We could go to Inglewood together and we could give them a laptop and pay for their internet and then show them here. Here's how to make money. They can make money. Right. What's to prevent people once we're making money as deal makers, to keep the money and grow the money and then be able to one day, pass it onto our kids.
What happens there?
Yeah. We start the course off of mindset and you can't even start the course without going through the mindset module. That is literally the first thing that we do. Right. And I'm a firm believer. This is literally my favorite quote. Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't you're right. You are right. Right. And so it starts with belief. If you don't believe is no way it's going to happen. There's no way you're going to be able to convince anybody else to believe. That's number one, it starts with belief and faith and fear can not live in the same part. Okay. Second, your mindset, belief. It's a party of mindset, but then you actually have to believe that you deserve to have money that you deserve to be wealthy, that you deserve to have the lifestyle that you desire to live. Right?
We're big on lifestyle design. You wasn't born to work, pay bills and die. I refuse to believe that our refused to that. Right? So we have mindset, you know, mantra. We have like a trader's creed that we make sure that students say everyday before they make a tray. We actually have mindset and positive affirmation videos that we have the students listen to. All of that is a part of the course before you learn one trading strategy, before you learn about one instrument and that just shows the priority of that to us and why we think it's so important. Once you make the decision, that is something that you want to do, you want to learn about, or you want to make the decision that you want to be wealthy. You make the decision that you want to live the life. As you want to live.
That decision actually puts that force of energy out into the universe. Right? Thinking you begin to be attracted to you to help you reach that goal. Right? So that is our approach. We take you through the step by step process of learning about the markets, learning some history about the markets, learning about the assets that you're looking to trade, then learning, trading, and investing strategies. Because a lot of people don't know that investing in trading are actually two different things and two different approaches, right? Once you learn that, then you can get into some specific strategies that you can implement individual asset classes. Some strategies can be implemented across multiple different asset classes. Once you understand that, then you can talk about risk management, which is a very important factor. I would say is probably number two outside of mindset. Because what we teach our students is you're not a trader, you're not an investor.
You're a risk manager because if you have capital and you properly manage the risk, you got a chance to be in the game. You got a chance to win the game. If you blow through your account, you both have your money. You can not be in the game. If you cannot be in the game, you cannot win the game. That's kind of the overall approach that we break down for our students, which is why we believe that these are things that they learned. They digest it, they retain it, and then they're actually able to execute on it. We are very big on telling them this is not a get rich quick scheme. If you cannot afford to use disposable income that is not attached to your bills or your priorities, then this might not be the time or course for you because you have to emotionally detach away from the money.
We teach them how and why. If you are emotionally attached to the money, then you're not going to be making rational decisions, which can affect your psychology, which can affect your trade, which can affect your bottom line.
Have you seen the show? Billions,
It's my favorite show. It's.
So good. Who's your favorite character.
X. And so I was so crushed. They no longer on there. So spoiler alert if you have it. Billions of my favorite show, acts of my favorite character. Succession is a good show as well, but I heard it in general builds and my favorite show on TV all around and acts as my favorite here.
Wendy Rhodes. My favorite by far. Oh my gosh.
I love niece. She's she's a close second, but also like I'm a hedge fund manager. Access and access character went to Hofstra. Yeah. If you've watched the open episode within the first five minutes, they have a clip of him talking to two guys and one guy went to Stanford and the guy, and he was relaying messages to ax and the guy that brought the, the analyst to access, like he went to Hofstra. Immediately before I watched anything else in the series actually immediately my favorite character in the first five minutes because I went to Hofstra. So.
I also like wags dude wags is hilarious.
They have a great dynamic cast on there with a bunch of different characters that, that mesh very well, right. Wax is the loose end who just, keeps it light, gets after it. And he's the, he's the deal guy. He's the guy. He's like, whatever we gotta do to get the deal done, good, bad or indifferent, let's get this deal done. Windy is the cool, calm, rational thinker, performance coach acts is the, visionary, but also the deal-maker executer and gets it done. Taylor, I love Taylor Taylor. So, so pounce will, capital is more along the lines of Mason capital as far as like execution, because we're an algo, quantitative hedge fund. I'll, I would say I'm a mesh of Taylor wag and windy.
Yeah. Super cool. Yeah. Taylor brilliant. Holy moly. Which, when she gets, I love this part. Like when she gets, I don't want to give away too much, but she's wrong and she could see how she's wrong and she, like, you could almost see her analytically course-correct and talk it out. It's like, I love the way her brain works.
Data synthesis the way she processes the information and chooses the best potential outcome. Even though it may not necessarily agree with her initial adults. She does a very great job with emotional control and emotional IQ. And what is the other winner.
So I queue IQ. She has a great balance of both.
Yeah, no, I love that. And such a cool show. You're based in capital, right? You have your, you have the quants, you have the, your algorithmic things and you're 97% autonomous. So data in data out. You gotta make sure that your machines are right.
Yes. And you want factual data. You want correct data that you want, you want accurate data and then you want low latency, right? Because when you get the data makes it an important factor. Like our algos right now, traits up one second. This is what I was mentioning about the levels of investing and traders. If you have some time, I could kind of break it down because it's important for people to know the type of trading investment that goes on. Investing is bigger picture long-term think of legacy playbook, you're buying a asset and you're looking to hold it for generations and pass it down. Okay. That's investing. We teach is like, you got a one-year playbook that you're buying asset. You're not going touch it for a minimum of one year. You have your legacy playbook where you're going to buy asset. The full goal is to pass it down to your generations.
That's pretty much investing period. And your deck, right? And that's invested. Trading has different levels. You have position traders who are looking to build a position over time and they might buy one stock here, a thousand stocks this month, 10,000 stocks next year. They're building a position in one particular asset or asset class. That's a position trade. Okay. They're building the position with the goal to hold it long-term then you have swing traders and swing traders are looking to get in and out of a trade between seven days in one month, roughly. Okay. After acquisition traders, then after swing traders, then you have day traders are looking to get in and out of a trait between one minute in three days, roughly the max, they usually will hold something is about a week, but they're day traders. They're looking to get in and out roughly in the same day, then you have scalpers, okay.
Scalpers are looking to get in and out of trades within seconds and minutes. Okay? Once you get to scalping, you have some scalpers are human scalpers where they're trading as a human clicking, the button, making discretionary decisions. That's when you start algos, play a role at every level. When you get to scalp and that's where you really start to get to the algorithmic trading world, okay. In the algorithm and training world, you can go, basically, we are sub one second. My algos operate probably about eight tenths of a second. Okay. We're about eight milliseconds, less day. They could scan the market, get in the tray, manage the tray and get out of the tray within less than one sec. Okay. That's scalping after scalping and after algorithmic trading as sub one second, you have high frequency trading, which is literally sub second close to the speed of light.
I tell you these things are physics and math based. I mean that to the T people are literally trading at the speed of light, very close to the speed of light. Okay. If they get the data before you get the data they can get in and out of the tray and make the money before you even learn about what happened. Okay. This is important when you start talking about data and you start talking about access to data, access to information and accurate data, because these, there are thousands of trades. We have an algorithm that can make a million decisions in one sec. Okay? You can program a million different infant, then scenarios or a million different decisions. Those decisions can be processed, close to the speed of light. The decision can be a identify evaluated and made in less than one second. There are levels literally.
So good, man. I've got so many questions. We might have to do some more of these because I think that it's important for people to understand here, this learn this to be honest, man, like I think I'm more of a trader. I think I'm more, I think that my personality, I think the way my brain works, I not definitely not quant. Definitely not. Taylor, but I think my brain's more geared towards that. It might be through some of stuff I went through or whatever. I, I, man, I would love to dive deeper into the psychology of investing the psychology of trading, the personalities behind it, which one is a good fit for you. And.
Absolutely you bring up a great point. It's so important. That's part of the process is learning about yourself. Cause we say the markets are nearest, but also learning what type of trading style works best for you. Anything you are going through psychologically or haven't dealt with the markets are going to expose. There's no question. If you have a lack of patience, you're going to get exposed. You have a lack of discipline. You're going to get exposed. Never lack of self-control. You have a lack of money management. If you have greed, right? You watch wall street or you watch money. Never sleeps. Greed is good, right? If you are greedy, because there are several times you could be in the trade and you can be winning and you get too, and you don't set your stop-loss. You don't get out of the trade and you don't take your profits off the table.
That trade turns around and you end up turning the losing trade, a winning trade into a losing trade because you were being greedy. The markets will expose all of those dates. And here's one thing in the markets. Here's multiple things. The markets do not care about. The markets do not care who you are. The markets do not care where you from the markets do not care. What race you are. The markets do not care what gender you are. The markets do not care about your sexual orientation. The markets do not care what God you serve. The markets do not care. What part of the, it does not care period. Right? So, and the market is the only plate or one of the only places in the world where both people think they are, all right. One person is selling for whatever reason that they are selling because they're maybe they believe that the market is going to go down.
One person is buying that from the seller because they think is going to go up. Both people on the same exact transaction think that they have the accurate data, the right timing, and that they're making the right decision. Only one of them will be right. Only the market will tell that over time.
Super cool. We're going to have to do other conversations, but before we go, I have a deck of cards that has some questions on it. All right. Ready? Pick a card. I'll ask you the question on it.
All right. This sir. Is your question. What would your, who this is a cool question. What would your 10 year old self think of your present? Self?
Mine would be astronomically below because at 10 years old, my number one goal was to be a hall of fame. Baseball player have great success at that and take care of it. To see myself, my mom didn't play about school. I was always, very keen on education and got good grades. For me school to a certain extent was a means to an end. It was go to school, get good grades. You can go pro and or go to a good college and go for it. Right? Like I got accepted to Dartmouth at a high school, but I believe doesn't offer athletic scholarships and I couldn't afford $50,000 coming out of the hood. Right. My 10 year old self would be pleasantly surprised, but also very proud because I took the work ethic that patience. Self-control the discipline, this transferable skills from baseball and applied it to business and specifically, and finance.
This is the first and only thing that has given me the spark like I have for this particular thing since baseball. So, you know, it's very competitive. It's very high energy it's you gotta perform, ? It's, it can be team oriented. It can be individual if I'm very honored and very grateful to be where I am. I'm very thankful that my experience in and with baseball trained me for this big leagues.
All right. I'm going to take a wild ass guess to guess which position you played based on how your brain works. I think that, gosh, there's so many different position, but I think he played second base.
Wow. Very good thought. Play source. Dr. Collins, second base in pro ball. Yeah.
Second base is the person who kind of controls the field by looking at the fields. Cause you have to either run to play it. You have to run to first. If you're the analytical person who plays second, I played catcher. Second base and catcher, we're always coordinating and conversation. Yeah,
Absolutely. I mean, middle of the field, they're like they're, they're the field generals. They're running the field for everybody out there. Catcher is very close second, right after middle infield. But yeah, I share that story. I know you got to get rid of the rap, but when I play shortstop or second base, I took thousands of ground balls every day. Right. I would take like a thousand ground balls a day. For the people who are not asking me with baseball, a ground ball is when a person hits the ball and the ball is bouncing on the ground through the infield. The fielder has to read the ball off the bat forecast or predict or project where the ball is going to beat the ball to the spot and make the play right. If you see the ball bounce, it literally looks like a ball bouncing or a chart.
When I transitioned out of baseball and I got into business, I said, wow, successful business. People identify a market. They forecast or predict where that market is going to go. They beat the market to the spot to be able to provide a product or a service to the people who are looking for that product or service. Training my mind for years, taking ground balls and forecasting, beat the ball to the spot is essentially what I've been doing in business. Now, even go deeper. When you look at a chart, the chart is literally going up and down and you're predicting where it's going to go next and trying to beat that market to the spot. That is literally where my brain has been programmed to do for the first 22 years of my life. I say I'm amazingly grateful, it is an amazing, tiny in and I'm, I am very thankful.
Or you are cool, man. You are super cool, super nerdy, super nerd, but really cool.
Yeah. I was the, I was the hybrid. I was the bridge between the nerds and the cool kids.
Yeah. I love it, man. I love it for fellow deal-makers in the audience who want to learn from you, learn with you, do a deal with you. Where could they go to connect with you?
Yes. Pounds of capital is the hedge fund. Simply council My social handles across all social handles is just Dion council. My name for people interested in the courses and the educational content money,, M O N E Y S K O O because we're making it cool to learn about money and financial education. Those are the handles of across all the platforms. Money,, council and Deon council is my name and social papers.
What's a question that I should've asked you that I completely screwed up and did not ask you.
And you ran, you ran the gamut. I would say this is an amazing interview. I'm very great for you to have me. I think the questions were great. My daughters, my eldest is two and my youngest is eight months. Beautiful has a question you didn't ask was how my five daughters are waiting. Other than that, I think you did a great job, but I'm really that you have me on it.
Do we see a future? Other kids coming?
No, it's interesting. Actually what twin boys twins running my family. They run in my wife's family. When we came, our line is next up. So, twins usually like skip a generation. We're both mixed up. It's very, it's a very high probability that we can have twins. The thing is, I don't know if we do have twins. If we get two more girls. Oh my gosh. I love my ladies level, but four girls in one house. Just me. I don't know. We are, we're in a hard pause right now.
It means you're sleeping on the couch. Awesome. Awesome. Dionne. Thanks for being on the show. Fellow deal-makers as always reach out to our guests and say, thanks for being on the show. If what they're saying resonates with you and you want to do deal with them, reach out, say, Hey, her John, the show, how did we connect? How do we do a deal? Follow what they're doing? If you listeners are working on a deal, want to talk about it here on the show, or are looking for a specific deal, head on over to the deal. Fill out a quick form. Maybe get you on the show. Next one of our cool new features is there's a little microphone in the bottom of the website. You could click on that, leave me a voicemail and maybe even share those kinds of voicemails here on the show.
If you've got advice for deal makers, or if you want to talk about a deal, that might be the way to do it. Go give it a shot until then talk to you all on the next episode. See everybody.

Dion Pouncil
Principal & CIO
I am a student of life, husband, father, teacher and licensed financial service professional.
My broad experiences in life have helped me narrow my focus on the priorities of my mission: to help over 75 million people improve their lives through trading and financial education.
I will exceed these goals through my role as Principal & Chief Investment Officer of (a systematic hedge fund) and lead instructor at (a financial education streaming app)
For Pouncil Capital I partner with institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals to produce absolute risk adjusted performance returns.
At MoneySkool I teach everyday people about mindset and creating generational wealth with simple to use, beautifully designed, and easy to understand content on investing, trading, Stocks, Options, Futures, Bonds, Forex, and Crypto.
FINRA Series 3 licensed.
Commodity Pool Operator.
Commodity Trader Advisor.