July 6, 2022

How To Acquire High-Value Clients With Jeremy Blubaugh

 Jeremy Blubaugh is Chief Prospecting Officer for Coinflip Marketing and loves finding new business opportunities. "I help you open doors by strengthening existing relationships." Says Jeremy. Today Jeremy speaks to us about landing calls with difficult or high value customers and what to do once you get them!


 Hey, good day, fellow dealmakers. Welcome to the deal scalp listen, man, I travel around having conversations with dealmakers hunting for deals, the mission purpose, everything about the show is to put deals and deal makers together. I go on the scalp sharing their story, finding deals to work on. If you're looking for a deal, you can always head on over to the deal scout.com, fill out a quick form and I'll go on the hunt for you. On today's show, we're revving a conversation with Jeremy. Who's going to talk to us about all sorts of different types of deals and how to attract and find these deals and put these deals together. Jeremy, welcome to the show. 

 Thanks for having me so much, Josh, glad to be here. 

 All right. Man, super pumped. You and I are having coffee together at a coffee shop and someone comes up and they go, Hey Jeremy, who are you? What do you do? How do you, how do you typically respond? 

 I told you about my professional attention Gator. Ultimately what that means is when you really get underneath the hood of that is we take the heart of knowing stuff about your client or your prospect, what I call personalization and use it to your advantage. What I found is most people's typical outreach. When they're going after a big customer is terrible and you've probably seen those terrible emails. Whenever you get is we try to make it as personalized, as much as possible to get those response ratio so you can win the deals that are looking for a lot higher consistently. My company is called coin flip marketing. The reason why we call that coin flip is we wanted to give you odds better than a coin flip 50%. They get a yes or no person to move on whether yes, let's talk. Hey, no, I'll never use your product. 

 Leave me alone. Okay. Wait. Now you moved onto the next, so we do. 

 Awesome. Give me an idea for what kind of clienteles do you try to be, beat the coin flip for what kind of context? 

 Yeah, we really kind of play in five different kind of sectors. You want to call it? We work a lot with asset management companies, financial advisors, commercial insurance, software sales, and I say financial advisors, personal insurance, financial lodge, asset management and real estate. Sorry. It was the one I missed. 

 Awesome. All right. So kind of give us a story. How'd you get started in this, leveraging your back experience to now be able to do that for others? 

 Yeah. In 2016, I had took over a new territory with a company called CNO. CNL is based out of Orlando and the old sales person, a lot of good relationships there, but I learned that to kind of really grow my territories also to think differently because there's all these salespeople calling on these financial advisors to sell their products in their conversation. Financial advisors have, eight hours in a day like us to work as well. And they're being innovative. I read this book called Giftology by John. Ruhlin never read it, check it out. It's all about using strategic gifting to really kind of get more referrals while your customers and get them talking about June is I read this book. I'm like, man, this guy, and I think exactly alike. There was an issue though that I found and what I found with what his book was. 

 When I was playing that I was an asset management company. They're strict gaping rules within the financial advisor acid, which means if I were to spend a hundred, $1 on you, Josh, or just a hundred dollars in a penny, I'll get slapped on the wrist. That's a no-no. If I do it again, I'm fired. Like, you is what they call it kind of my resumes marked up. I never may never get back in the industry, getting speakers to see that and say, well what'd you do there? There are strict dollar amounts that you could spend with clients. That's where I said, okay, how can I take what Mr Roland is talking about in this book and make it work for this industry? That's where I learned about personalization using the data that's out there on the worldwide web, LinkedIn, Google search. How do you take that data specific that into individual or business you're reaching out to get their attention and getting them to say, yes, let's talk or get me off your list a lot quicker than your typical email sequence. 

 Cold calling cold texting, apparently cold based time is a thing right now, There's people all over LinkedIn saying they're doing cold based time. I don't wanna pick up a random phone number when it calls me so equal face time. Yeah. Actually I might pick it up and yelling, 

 Oh, it's someone cold FaceTime me. Hopefully I'm not in the bathroom. That sounds absolutely like an intrusion of privacy. Holy moly. Okay. 

 That's, that's not worried about this round hole, but so again, we either do, from a consulting standpoint, we have teams that come in and say, Hey, you want to do it ourselves. We just, I would say 90% of the people say, what you're doing, Jeremy and your company to the point, blunt marketing, like, we don't want to learn it. Can you do it for us? They give us their targets, 25 50, whatever the number is. Right. We put together a game plan to get you the yes or no, a lot faster than you would with your typical marketing outreach. Selver sales rep outreach. 

 Yeah. All right. Getting to a yes or a no, where does that fall into place and why is that important to get to a no, rather than the nurture and building out this long relationship and a hundred email sequence and 23 phone calls a day and maybe even a FaceTime cold call, like why is getting to a know important in a B2B sales in high-level sales? 

 I mean, I don't know what your business looks like. I don't know most people's businesses look like all I know there's what $130 trillion networking just United States. There's a lot of business to go around. Sometimes a no is better than a yes, because we need to focus on and what I tell people when people hire congruent marketing and my team, they're focusing on maybe a hundred to 200 people max over the course of a year. These are what I call game changers, people or businesses that say yes, are going to move the needle. They're going to make the projector of your business, go up like a hockey stick and sometimes almost 200. You only need to say yes. So yeah. I'd rather get to the two. Yes. So I can get to your point. Let's nurture them. Let's focus on them. That's really good to know them. 

 Let's really build a relationship versus kind of going down this rabbit hole of like, Hey, I'm not getting anywhere at these people. I personally really never know most sales people. I know who know sales would rather get to know so they can focus on the people they know they can influence and build relationships with and let's get real. Some people are just going to make decision on price and sales person doesn't matter. I want to find the people where the sales person doesn't matter. They want a relationship and they want that. 

 Yeah, absolutely. I want to get past the nose or get to the nose as quickly as possible in my business because I've, I've spent a lot of time chasing a deal and, and with a tire kicker who was never going to open their wallet anyways, they were just trying to learn because they're the kind of group that wanted to learn from me to copy me so that they didn't need me. I love the groups. Like you mentioned, like, Hey, we're pretty busy. You guys seem to be an expert in this, do it for me, figure it out, like, right. How did you figure this out? Because you being in the industry, working at CNL and your past asset management groups and such like that, like how did you figure out that this is a good thing for high ticket salespeople? 

 Number one, the amount of amazing responses we would get back saying, I can't believe the amount of detail. This is the best outreach I've ever seen. I mean, I even have on my website, we sent it to a financial advisor and they said, this is the best outreach I've seen in 35 years in the business is a sign. Tell that were on to something and I was doing it back in 2016, way different than we are. We've probably increased our personalization rate by 300% or what I mean by that is more personalized to the individual. We're targeting more. When I first started, it was mainly just about gift. That Josh loves whatever about and say he loves tennis. I would just go with some of the gift about being tennis. Now we personalize the car. The cards are very highly personalized. We use people's names, pictures, interest, all put in a personalized card. 

 To be honest with you, 80% of the time, the comments we get back are about the card, not the gift, but I found as the gift just gets opened and noticed, whereas you just send a card. I don't know. I mean, some people just don't open it, but if it comes in a nice box, that's packaged with a purpose. They're going to open that every single time. As we're going on talking about this right now that the three characteristics I talk about when, what we do is you have to hit three of these and I call it USP giving. I was going to use ups, but unfortunately there's this big brown company that delivers mail from all over the world that like got mad at me. I switched it around and it's gotta be unique. It's gotta be surprised. It's gotta be personal. I would say of those three things just that make the most difference is a surprise factor. 

 It does. No one knows it's coming. When they show up like perfect example, when's the last time you got home from work, or even at your place of business, Josh, where you got to unbelievable unexpected, personal lines gift it's happened to you. It's probably only happened maybe two or three times in your life. And that's what we found works. When you kind of put these three characteristics together, you're going to open a lot more doors because we're one you're showing people you care as well. So, 

 Yeah. All right. How'd you go from, being in the real estate industry to then serving the real estate industry, opening up your marketing firm, what did that transition look like and why did you do it? 

 Yeah, so kind of, so when I started, I actually kind of went after what I knew. So I started asset management first. I knew the asset management business we'll be delivering our product to financial advisors and a certain percentage of financials. Obligers will be smart to say, Hey, Mr. Sales rep, I know you didn't do this. I've never seen this before. Who did it? I want to be introduced to them. I got introduced to financial advisors and kind of what we do at quintuplet marketing. We kind of grow through social media outreach. Oh, we do some help at home on LinkedIn, but now, which is very highly personalized when we do. Once a week, we just take two ideas that we would do for a client. We target very high game-changer people that they say, yes, have a conversation with that. We're eventually going to get to the finish line with what we do to help them do it. 

 We would target a real estate leader in our local community. We only want to work with one or two each community. I don't want to have 50 real estate agents in Chicago. I have to cause I want to make a difference to those two. I don't want 50 real estate agents doing what were doing in Chicago because when I'm jazz gets to the third time, it kind of leaves that uniqueness and surprise factor. Yeah, I mean, just honestly taking a focus approach of how I was going to run my business and Hey, here's, I'm going to start where I know and kind of what I know next. We kind of started to branch out and those other three sectors and my most recent deal I won from just posting on LinkedIn. You're on LinkedIn, your social media people find you, especially if you're being very active coming out of influencers, just being out there, people find you, they read their comments. 

 99% of the people will never comment or like something, but they're watching. If you're not homeless bandwagon, you're a deal maker. You gotta because it's an easy, that's my personal opinion. I don't work for LinkedIn. I don't get paid to say that. 

 Yeah. Let's maybe you should be getting paid by LinkedIn. Yeah. 

 We go to them afterwards and say, Hey, come on, reggae check, 

 Come on, read, pay attention. I don't know if he's still is even involved in it, but probably an hour bill, come on. All right. As you're building this right part of your job is to look for really cool gifts to meet. I've really, really high ticket, high level, high value prospect. Give us idea on, what that looks like from your side. Like what's something that could be unique, a surprise and personalized. 

 Yeah. On the gifting side, it's all about we find out and this is actually kind of a mindset shift set that have to get with individuals. Cause they want it to be systemized as much as possible. They want the same to everyone. Well, what you do that? Or they want to put a company logo on it because they want them like none of them. This is, yeah. Maybe you do that for your B and C clients, but for your Ayers, we didn't want to call super eight lines. These game changers. We want to make it about them. More importantly, you want to be tangible. What we do is let's say once again, went onto your website. We found that you like golf, tennis and baseball. So three things out there. Now we're going to personalize a card around what we know about you using pictures of name. 

 We'll come back in a second, but let's say it's golf. We're going to personalize a golf gift to you. We might take your company logo or slogan or mission statement, but on a golf ball or we might buy you nice high-end golf score holder, or you might grow your name on a golf towel and a did it too. With this, what we wanted to do is two fold. Number one is obviously to get your attention to say, Hey, let's talk to Jeremy, but second, we want it to be tangible. What I mean by that is subconsciously. When we send something to Josh and he uses that item or sees that item, he thinks about it. I may not like, Hey, thinking about me, like you think you would be thinking, but like subconsciously, oh yeah. Jeremy sent that. And what really triggers it? Let's say you're on the golf course with your client and you put your golf divot tool down and it's got your last name on it. 

 That's really cool. Where did you get that? What are you going to say? Say Al Jeremy blue ball equivalent marketing and up. Okay. Take it for example, from financial advisor, same thing, they send it to the best client. They're on the golf course with three of their buddies and they put their name down and comment on their divot tool. Where'd you get that? Oh, my financial advisor sent that to me. What are those three individuals that are pointing golfer? Who's your financial advisor? My never even calls me. You're sending a personalized, yeah, it's free marketing, free advertising. Right? Do you prefer if you get the gift right. That personalized based off their interests and in the car, if you ever read how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie, he mentioned in the book, someone's name is the sweetest sound in the world using people's names, Photoshopping and have fun with it using people's pictures. 

 Well, perfect example. A lot of my asset managers kind of gravitate to, are we Photoshop? People's picture on the problem of the wall street journal. If you're a financial advisor, you're not the number one financial advisor in the world. You're probably never going to be in the wall street journal, but what? We just did it for you. What we'll do is we'll take a slogan up their website and put it on there as well. It's kind of a two hunt, two approach personalization. There's the card. And then there's the game. 

 Yeah. You bring a lot of psychology into marketing, right? So, I mean, what's the say I worked at Morgan Stanley back in the day, right. Pretty much they hand you a phone book and a stack of cards or a stack of envelopes. Josh lick these stuff, them write the person's name in handwriting. Right. That's personalization, send it out to them. Hopefully they come to our seminar, free dinner, whatever, but you're really putting in some psychology. Two questions that I have on that is talk to us about the psychology of the gift and effective marketing versus this, in our head back in the day was, well, we'll just spray and pray. I don't want to my cost per letter, how can I get that as low as possible? Because it's a numbers game. I want to get this to a thousand people. Right. Talk to us about psychology and then mass marketing versus kind of your approach. 

 Yeah. I would say in our approach, in why it really kind of works and on sleep, I don't leave. I'm not a psychologist and never really studied it. What I found is just really counted down to that one fact, it shows people that need care. What I always tell myself to use our approach is when you finally, our approach does get you that meeting with Josh. Like you gotta show up, you gotta be a step. You gotta be start at that corner and you better be awesome at your job. If you just come in, Hey, Josh, for me, while you're busy, you can't do that. Right. You have to set the stage. You got to set the stage even more. I was still people, my sales reps, when they find it, this meeting say something like this and make it your own. Hey, thanks for saving. 

 My meeting. Obviously appreciated my outreach. Hope you can see that I can care if you come my client. I hope you can see how much more we care for you to become a client, something along those words and got to get that into their mindset is you care. I think that's how you build trust is show people you care. It goes back to the adage that vote like, oh, people don't care on what you do. You show much, you care. As simple as that, show me you care. We build trust a lot faster. You build relationships a lot faster. Especially in the last two years towards a zoom environment, the world started opening back up. We want to build trust, faster show people who care. That's really the psychology that Josh, if you work with me, you're going to be so much more than the bottom line to me. 

 We're going to become friends and we're going to wow, the heck out of you. You're going to love every moment, every step along the way, it's going to be a fun moment when you can connect with us. 

 As you built this, right, I know the price per X is a conversation that people have to overcome this mindset shift. It should like how much are we going to spend a hundred dollars for, up to $101, right? Or a hundred dollars in 1 cent for, client acquisition. Like our marketing budget would be massive, but we're still hitting this massive list that we bought from some person in, across the sea, whatever. How do you approach that? 

 Yeah, so we do some consulting that would come in and say, Hey, Josh, let's okay. You have a thousand people on this list. Like you're pointing like you can't first of all, set a hundred dollar gift to everybody. That's a lot of money or hire me to do me. I mean, your guests, if you have a big budget, you could do that. Most likely, most companies that we're trying to work with, wouldn't do that. That's where you really have to kind of get in, take an afternoon off on a Monday while the clock by the team lunch, pick the next four hours off and really kind of hit down that listening, identifying changers, it might only be a hundred people that you're doing our strategy for. Every business is going to be different. I kind of know what mine are targeting someone, but your business might be like, Hey, I need to make $5,000 a month off each client. 

 Well, then you kind of go through that list and say, obviously there's gotta to be some assumptions going in, unless you have some type of way to figure it out. Like who are the a hundred people that might get us $10,000 a month, double our 5,000 that make this worthwhile to our efforts. Once you narrow that list down, that's who you go after. That's who you do this for. This is not a spray and pray approach. Like you mentioned earlier, it is not, this is a targeted approach or for the people, that can be a game changer on the component of, let's say you do have a thousand people, you kill off a hundred and do it for them like this. 900, you do the spring, right? Like you still got a target that you might've missed. The one that should've been in this a hundred that says yesterday, oh wow. 

 That was like 25,000 alarm about how are we supposed to know that? And you missed it. You still got to market to these people, but you got to identify the ones that you think can be. 

 You still, so you come in as a consultative approach and you say, listen with this list, let's peel off like the highest and most ideal clients that are going to produce the most volume. Let's put them in this special bucket over here and let's do highly targeted, more expensive. Yes. But higher percentage. When these others that we're kind of unsure about with the Lord lead score or whatever, we'll do that to the masses. Is that how you approach your consultant? 

 Yeah, exactly. I didn't. I, yeah. I mean, you're right on. I think he said, it'd be 50. It could be 200. I don't know what the number is. It's every business is different, but yeah, you got to go after all of them. And, but these are the ones that I think if the 108, what we say, it's all there. What did we do? The work that you get three of them, it's going to pay for everything and then sell the value to their businesses. Lifetime value or businesses, actually seven figures. Like, you're calling for 20 years, it's going to be paying off handsome. I think most business owners are most salespeople there's thinking about next month is to a mindset shift. Like, okay, well you get Josh on board, but let's not look about what Josh is going to make next month. Like, what's look at people like Josh does. 

 Okay. Does Josh, how long does John stay with you and your business? People like Josh stay with her business for seven years. Okay. It will. How much a month do people like Josh pay $5,000. Okay. Well, Mr and Mrs. Client, $5,000 a month, times 12 60 time, seven years, $120,000. That's, paying a few extra hundred bucks at potentially trying to get Josh to the client is worth it. If it's really has a lifetime value of that point, and we're not even getting the fact that, Hey, Josh Martin referrals would take care of Josh and do many great things for them. Josh might give us five clients like him and he's worth a $2 million client. It's really kind of this mind shift s**t. You have to get into some people's head and we just don't look like that. It's a shame, but it's true. 

 Well, the good, the good on that is the people who are doing that, who do say, I know the, I know it costs me money to acquire a high level client and I'm willing to go the extra distance for that high level of client. Like, if you bundle all, all of that into, you get a high level client, they're going to bring three or four of the five of their, their friends into the deal, right. A hundred dollar golf ball or whatever, turns into a $2 million little deal ecosystem. That's not a bad investment, but everyone goes, well, what if the golf ball, the one golf ball didn't work or the 10 golf balls or the hundred, I spent 10 grand on this campaign and I got zero. I guess that's the fear because it's higher risk higher return. Is that, is that what I hear? 


 Yeah. I mean, I'd be shocked. Well, yeah. I mean, I guess you could do a hundred of them and not close any and maybe you have to have, I think it comes down, you have to probably identify what your value add and where these are the targets. I think that's a whole different conversation, but yeah, there is. I, one of the biggest fears when I started talking to people about what we're going to do is we have to set up Josh, doesn't wait. It goes back to our conversation 20 minutes ago, he got to the note a lot quicker. My point is, guess what, anything that you probably were going to do, your Josh, they weren't going to like anyways, so let's go sign it. Josh is just not a nice person. He doesn't like talking to salespeople. He, whatever the case may be like, he wasn't going to respond anyways. 

 So push that aside. I know it's hard. Like ecology says, Josh, I know we didn't like it, but the benefits for the other 99 that we did this for should handsomely pay for the one p****d off person that we might've done. Let me tell you, I've done over 5,000 different types of personalized Millers. Since we've launched corporate marketing, I've had two people with us now there's price. Some people that didn't respond that were upset. We've had two nasty responses come back. Both times I finally got caught up with the sales person after we talked about, he's like, yeah, those two people told him to take me off their list a year ago. They're not interested. I'm like, well, we slipped on something. They told you to take them off your list and you're still trying. Like, that was on you not on me. Zero, like I said, there's five people who didn't respond and didn't like it that well, but that's the same responsible to God. 

 He did a cold email and a cold phone call on a call-out LinkedIn. I reached you, but it got no anyways. So life goes on, 

 I, I think that a lot of times we go through this approach, like we'll, we'll acquire a list like back in the day when I was doing whatever kind of sales, right. We had this list and it was a golden list, like delivered from the third heaven or whatever. Right. You're like, I know there's gold in this list and I got to scrub it. Sometimes the list isn't good and some people don't want to be on that list. Like they didn't opt in to be on that list. It's just like, we yank people out of a phone book back in the day we had a phone book and I would call people in the phone book. Right. I, I thought this was gold. If I could sit there and not Luff knows, I get to a yes. Do you, 

 Gary, Glen Ross. This is crap. 

 Yeah. Great movie. Great movie, by the way. Super weird. But I love it, man. How we're going to have a chat about books and movies in a minute when it comes to list, like, what happens if someone comes to you and they go, listen, I'm a financial advisor or asset manager. And I really don't have a list. It's been basically referrals and such like that up to now, but I'm looking to expand my team and my business, but I don't have a list. How do you guys approach that? 

 Yeah. Actually I worked with the company that I found called AI identified there, think of a, like a private detector, searching the web for everything about you. They kind of put it at one spot or those listings, it costs like 3,500 bucks or a thousand dollars for a one-time license. Well, they'll take the information about you and give me your address. Give me your network central like grammars. Right? They use AI to say, okay, Josh, Wilson's the CEO of X, Y, Z corporation, east 45 years old. Most people who have been a CEO of 45 years old for 10 plus years are worth this type of dollar amount. Right. They're assuming they don't know. Think of it as a skewed, I don't know, like or BRAF, right? It's not like a bell curve. It's more skewed. They're going to be right more than they are, because it might say, what, Joe, you might fall in the two to $5 million range, but really we're 50. 

 They can't know that, but you also, Hey, you're not worth anything. Right? Cause you have a gambling problem. We can't get that date out. Right. But you're just put in there. I help financial advisors, business and help asset managers use at least . I help real estate agents. They use it as fuel to build list spots. What's great about the COVID the real estate. Cause you can identify by age when they bought the house, how much equity might have in the house. And it was great. Zillow will actually link to their Zillow page, their home address. Now you can say, oh, Josh bought this house in 1994, still in it. For a hundred grand, it's worth a million dollars now. Like wouldn't it be potentially a good idea to say, Hey, you have $900,000 equity and start that as your outreach. Cause they might not know that. 

 How do you provide value to in that outreach? Yeah, you can help people build list. I think LinkedIn sales navigator is a great way for like software sales to kind of potentially start arguing with people you want. But yeah. I mean that's high level. We do help people go listed if you need help with that as well. 

 So, looking on your LinkedIn, you're, you've owned multiple businesses, you started a AI company that did you, did I hear that correctly? 

 Another company that I know. 

 Okay, got it. You just let them do their ability. 

 Yeah. Just use your abilities to don't list. I mean like, so what's really crazy about it. Like, especially in that financial advisor standpoint, you can get it down to your zip code and actually identify people. Financial advisors go back to your day. Like we scan through like companies 55 hundreds to find out the executives and the amount of stock positions they might have in their current company or old companies, the status, this tool, boom, show you what Josh has and individual stock positions just like that. You don't have to go digging into the company's 5,500 and see that he owns a thousand shares in Google and he's on the board thousand shares of the company lemonade because he has on it. Like it tells you, boom, Josh owns all this though. Once again, people get creeped out about it, but you realize the state is out there. 

 They're just using AI to go find it and delivered it to you in a way more customer atmosphere. Then you do. First of all, saving you hundreds of hours of work. Yes. Yeah. That's not my company, which is the company we use to help build those. 

 How to identify and bring out the right kind of information, help that list get built, kind of prioritize it and then say here's who you should be marketing to. 


 I haven't seen any other marketing firm that does that kind of approach. This is like strategic, super, if you look at you guys are an offline, Google ad essentially like a hyper-targeted Google ad, but you guys are an offline, physical delivery of a gift. That's pretty cool. 

 I like that. 

 Yeah. You're welcome. Trademark Josh. As you're building south man, you've seen some success for clients and over 5,000 personalized messages have been sent out through you guys. What's the future of your firm look like and what you're working on. 

 Yeah. Actually what I'm actually doing now and over the next two weeks, just finish up a course are those who say, what, Jeremy, I want to do this myself. I I've learned, there's just certain people in certain industries that want to do this, for me, from an consulting or doing it themselves. Now the big question will they actually do it? My gut says they won't, but there will be a course out there for them to say, here's how I would do it. And here's all the tools. There'll be some upgrades and stuff if you want access to it. You know? As regard now, actually in the process of kind of even scaling up my business, hiring another project manager, bringing my fulfillment center in house, actually moving outside, run everything from my house right now I'm looking to actually buy a piece of real estate here in town to bring everything in tech, a local business. 

 As we grow in scale, actually I have eight virtual assistants will work right now, but it's now it's time to kind of bring stuff back home and have someone here that kind of look over my shoulder and kind of run the business right where I kind of on the business type of standpoint. Yo, we're actually working on a tool right now to help kind of send for like streamlined personalized cards on like odd holidays. The client will be like a menu. What's the menus you pick what six holidays you would want or six events you would want. We create the cards, the automated for you. It's almost like a streamlined, personalized drip system and going after like the asset management, financial advisor, real estate industry, because they're the ones that are a little more high touch, like a commercial or a sack sales. But yeah. 

 Like, you're like, here's an example of like a masters week card. 

 Oh cool. Okay. 

 Your golfer is like you have a book of business, even got 50 golfers. Like they're going to want to love to see a masters card. You said you could do it, masters, us, open PGA, British or whatever the order is. Now that changed enough. I know you have six golf mailers or you could do two golf mailers, a Halloween a lot. I mean, whatever the case may be, but you're constantly in front of your best clients and best prospects at a lot lower price point. That's still fun. Creative we'll have as much effect what we're talking about a few minutes ago, the last 30 minutes, we'll still have a pretty good lasting effect on your best clients and best prospects. 

 Yeah. Out of all the campaigns you've run. What has been your biz biggest success? Like one campaign pick your favorite. 

 Yeah. Worked with the individual down in Houston. When I first started getting going honestly was nervous. I had done it as a sales person. My whole life. It worked, maybe I thought it was my charm was my good looks, my whatever. Right. The next car pulled up and I was getting all these meetings and we're fingers crossed. I hope this works. He gave me 16 apes and we got on 14 meats, my first real client outside of the business world. That has been my most proud, successful moment. We actually crushed it for him and I never judged them. It was actually individual. I knew who was a friend, just like anybody would start their own business. They went to the people that they know and kind of joked to them. Like I should have charged him more. Yeah, I was trying to test the concept at that point. 

 I would say another big win is when I started to kind of get into the financial advisor as a financial advisors, they tend to be kind of more analytical or top up in numbers. I think performance is why clients work with limited. You got to push back and say, no, it's about the relationship. People actually will work with you because they trusted like you and I had an advisor who was like, wasn't really so long as like try on it. You got some of the best responses back that we've ever done. From your clients saying, I can't believe you care that much about me. It was great to CDC emails. Well, that's what gets me going. I can wake up in the morning and a text message from a client or an email from the client saying, you're never going to leave the response that we got. 

 I'm like, well, I'm going to believe it because I've seen it many times, but that's really what we're trying to create is that you really can't believe what my client just emailed me about because of the work that we did. I gave you two. So sorry about that. 

 It's okay. I love hearing success stories, man. This is a, it's a joy to hear when it comes to sales books, marketing books, if you, what do you, you mentioned how to win friends and influence people. You mentioned Giftology what other books like do you live by that? You're like, these are the best books for sales or marketing. 

 Actually. I'm not just saying that because I'm reading it right now. This is second book. I read fans first by Jesse Cole. I'm not sure if who that is. The guy runs Savannah bananas. If you haven't checked them out, check out he's a marketing genius. His first book was find your yellow tux. Those are two of the high books I really recommend. One is probably the book that had the biggest impact on me. No, it's not a sales and marketing book. It's more of a it's this book. Oh, there's actually two of them I should say is who not how by Dan Sullivan. 

 So good, 

 Great one. I actually got that from a client. He's like, when you scale, this is probably two years ago. I'm like, yeah, he's like, I'm sending this book, read it. You'll learn how to scale. I read that and I immediately shifted my business violent. I needed to do all this stuff cause I'm like, and then the E-Myth by Michael Gerber, fantastic working kind of walks you through. If you're not familiar with listen to this, why most businesses spell small businesses fail and what you need to be routed. I took that actually worked with E-Myth coach. Now it's transformed my business from a scalability standpoint, having the systems in place, it really, from what they talk about from where he turned the lights on to, they turn the lights off. Like what are the systems that your business woof and and you take a week off and it's your business to run. 

 That's the ultimate successes of business owners step away and say my King's guy. 

 The E-Myth and E-Myth three visited bill Gerber says that there's three essential components of a business. You usually find these, you see the visionary leader, you see the manager and then the technician, those are the three components that are kind of needed to really make a business move forward. What should those are you? 

 I'm the leader now? I was a technician when I first started. I think everybody, that's the whole point of this book, right? Like art, a technician. You think you do something really well. You probably do when you go out and start your own business and you live in that technician world where really the end of the day, like if you step away from your business for a day in your business, you have a job, you don't have a business. Right. That's where this book, when I read it the second time I had to read it as a salesperson, kind of implemented some systems in my sales role that runs efficiently. I read it and hired a coach is how do I get from that technicians through the business? How do I come from working in, to working on business? Every day, eight to nine, I do E-Myth hour. 

 I look at all the tools, things that it could be working on my business, then move my business forward. We have Thursday at two o'clock review the two weeks ahead. What do we need to do now to get in front of what's going to happen? All the little things that really kind of make you that leader, and I'm still working on the leadership front, right. It's, you know, it's a hard thing. I think if you can get that right. And, become the Jeff Bezos type leadership, like, what made Amazon so famous, they're still on the stories like that empty chair. I want my customer as a leader. Like that's a unbelievable message. Every single time you do a, that's stayed with them forever. Like, can you bring that type of leadership to the table, but that's something I'm still working on. 

 Yeah. Yeah. It's super cool, man. During this interview, we talked about the, this, the industries that you touch in that really have a big impact, software sale, asset management, financial advisors, commercial real estate, and commercial insurance. Those are like five industries that you guys can have a big impact for them. What, what are their biggest pain points or biggest things that you help them overcome? 

 Yeah. I mean, I think it goes back to is, number one, I would say, who do we target if they don't have the list on? Those are kind of more of like your startup people who have some funding, they don't really know yet who their ideal client profile is, come in and help them identify that. I, the number two thing that we really kind of help with is probably in front of that one is getting to yes or no. Like how do you move the needle faster, open those doors that you just haven't been open or at least get a conversation going. That's really the pain point that we tried to solve for. What I found is that comes with that pain point is everybody wants to talk about doing what we do, no one ever ended. And that's what we do. We come in and help people. 

 We're going to either give you the systems. If you want to do it yourself to get it done. Or like I said earlier, 90% of time, you're going to hire us. Can you say with the hire free move, people that do that, what you're talking about, we already have the tools and people that get it go to the system. So I think that's out of that. Like people, I had a conversation with the national sales manager about a year ago, gosh. He's like, what's stopping my sales people who do this. I said nothing. They are very capable of doing this. Now as a leader, do you want to go tell your 13 salespeople that they need to take four hours out of a duty to send to personalizing dealers? No, I really don't want it. I go, here's, what's going to happen in the psychology, right? 

 13 of them, my company's called point bullet marketing. We get a response rate about 50% of the time. Wait two goes by 13 is now only six people doing it because they didn't get a response. Didn't work told you. Why'd you make me do this week. Two goes by now, you're down the three. This is, oh, they didn't get a response from those two didn't work. I still two for five, two for four. The last two didn't work I'm done. Within a month you only got one person doing it. Cause it's a lot of work. It's a lot of time. As soon as they get to know, it's human psychology, it didn't work. Another example. I had an individual, you want to do five at a time. First five Joshua apply for five. Perfect. This is amazing. The best thing ever happened next, I went over fine and he came back to me. 

 This is like within three weeks. Imagine it says it doesn't work anymore. I said to him, I'm like, if you would've gave me 10 and you got five responses, would you have been happy? He's like, yes, I go. We just did that. We did it in two different silence. Like we got you the 50% and it's the psychology have to come over to sales. People like that. They immediately think once they get that personnel doesn't work and that's not the case. You have to have a system, but tools and the consistency that can do over time. It really continued to make the process work. 

 Yeah, no, I love that. If I quit the first time I hit it now and I, like. 


 Wouldn't be having this podcast right now, in sales, like, let's just say you're crushing it. You have like a 30% conversion rate, right? In terms of your high ticket sales, which is pretty good in high level sales. Right. That that's actually really good. That means 70% of the people say no to me. Right? Holy moly. 

 I should take it back. It's not. The salespeople are not afraid to know it's using our approach to get right. A lot of them don't come in with an open mind and white, why are we doing it this way? The way some of the most dangerous words in businesses, the way it's always been done with do it this way, we do it. They go one for four, which at one day the game-changing prospect that changes the career or business. They say, oh, we didn't get 50%. Like we still got that one that might turn your business around where your sales were making from number 10 to company. Number one, they just focus on the no, w I told you that one didn't work it's over and they give up. 

 Yeah. So super cool, man. What question during this interview, should I have asked you that I completely screwed up and didn't ask you, 

 They asked me how to get ahold of me on Jimmy. 

 That'll be the last question that. 

 I think by one of the most important questions that you get is, what does it look like after we get the meat? You know? Our job is to get Josh's attention. Like what do you do? We do have some tools and some systems in place to continue to wow. After. It doesn't start with, not that you buy Josh a gift every single time you talk to him. It's how do you drip on them with bone qualities? How do you leverage his social media content that can get him to stay in front of Josh? How do you pay attention to what's going on in Josh's company to stay in front of them? Cause Josh might come back to you and say, Hey, we're waiting for this device to open and close down and you put a Google alert on Josh's company. Find out that buy deals closed out. 

 Most sales people won't do the work that do that. Most salespeople, if they did do that work, aren't going to send Josh a personalized cards and Hey man, congrats on the divide. You have solid closed. I know you're probably out celebrating this week. You mentioned when this deal was closed, you'd be looking at XYZ company. Let's connect. Like, what are the little things you're doing? You've got the meeting. It continued make an impression that's above and beyond any other sales person, which we do help with here at coin flip more than you. Like, how do you do that? Most people just don't think about how to do that. 

 Yeah. You know what I've seen? I've seen really successful producers and top sales guys. I've seen them do this for they'll hire their niece or their nephew, and they'll bring them in where they hope that they're going to do what you just described. Look for buy signs, look for sale signs, look for strategic, investment signs a or Hey, write these. Like, I mean, I was in college and he send me a box of things and it's like, try to get, rich people to show up for my meetings. I didn't know what I was doing. Right. And I mean, somehow it worked out. Okay. But it doesn't make sense. 

 That's one of the biggest things I teach like a financial advisor. I work with any business, but mainly I've worked with a financial advisors. These advisors will do these big way. Like an appreciation. Everybody come out to this RTQ whatever. Maybe you could step back, identify the 20 to 25 that you would love. The clone that you like working with are the best return on investment. They take your, whatever the case may be, how you buy them and ask them, send out a survey like, Hey, I'm looking to do more ID or intimate client events this year. Here's what I was thinking. That would be a great intimate client event. Do you mind checking one, two and three? What you would like to do? At the bottom, what days of the week were restful. When he reached back out to the client, Hey, Josh really told me you would love to do the tennis lesson. 

 Well, we took that to art. We're setting up tennis lessons. You told me Tuesdays and Thursdays work best for you. What? Tuesday and Thursday in July, August for HEDIS event review with two other people, huh? That's a very targeted intimate client event that Josh is going to show up to. That's why Josh has ownership. And Josh said, I liked tennis. I'm going to show up. You're fulfilling my need. And you know what? I like to play tennis with Jeremy and Bob I'll refer to Jeremy and Bob now guess what? That financial advisor gets to have conversations with Jeremy and Bob, because you did something far above that any other financial advisors did is you focus on the client once not trying to mass produce this big barbecue or whatever you're trying to do from an event. That's when the relationships go deep. That's when people refer you. 

 That's when people say, man, like financial advisor really cares about, 

 Yeah. Hey, I'm playing tennis with Andre and Venus on Thursday in July. Do you think you could come join us and be like, oh man. Yeah, 

 It wasn't Venus. I mean Jeremy and Josh by whatever. 

 I mean Josh who took tennis lessons in eighth grade once. Yeah. 

 Like, it's a simple, simple task, but it's more difficult than saying, Hey, just go hire a caterer and we'll run out a patio, set out some invitations, which I'm sure they appreciate. If got an invite from, itemiser say, Hey Jeremy, I know you're home. A big St. Louis Cardinals fan two hours from DC. They're encountered in July. Like, Hey, I know you're a big Cardinals fans. What day? Which game works for you? I want you to bring your son. What are the two sons? We're going to go to the game. That's an event I'm driving two hours for it to go, because it's about me. I want what I cared about as necessarily one thing. 

 Yeah. Super cool. For people out there who want to connect with you, especially in those industries, that would love your advice and maybe some level of consultation to say, Hey, would this work for me? What's a good way for them to connect with you and do a deal. 

 Yeah. So I'm pretty active on LinkedIn. If you type in Jeremy blue ball, it's B L U B a U G H O you'll find me. We post daily about ways that while your best customers or, send the best gift wherever the case may be a coin flip marketing.com. By all means, Jeremy, I coin flip marketing.com or my personal cell phone just don't call it. Time. Me is (574) 360-3431. Those are really the four best ways to get it all old me. We answered usually within 24 hours, if I'm not out with the kids on a weekend. So. 

 Super cool. I'm cold FaceTiming you today. Just kidding. Here you go. So. 

 I'm going to say, can you call back all the time? Oh, based on me back. I'm going to get in the shower and ask, Hey, I'm in the shower. 

 Yeah. Perfect. Perfect. All right. This is awesome. I love this game. With that fellow dealmakers, thanks for listening into the deal scout as always reach out to our guests, say, thanks for being on the show. If what they're saying is important to you and that it can help you in your business or maybe help you find some more or bigger deals, reach out to them. All their contact information will be in the show notes below, tell them you heard them on the deal scout and that you want to do a deal with them. That's the purpose of mission of the shows put deals and deal makers together. As I go on the hunt for more deals, if you're working on something, looking for something, want to buy something or invest in something, head on over to the deal, scout.com and maybe get you on the show. 

 Next we could talk to you then. All right. Talk to you all on the next episode. Cheers. 

Jeremy Blubaugh Profile Photo

Jeremy Blubaugh


Hi, I’m Jeremy Blubaugh - the Chief Prospecting Officer and owner at Coinflip Marketing. I’m a passionate and creative entrepreneur who absolutely loves to hunt for new business. In fact, I love it so much - I made it a full-time career. That’s what I do - I help you open doors. I help open hard to open doors. And I help you swing doors that are stuck an inch or two open by strengthening existing relationships. Coinflip Marketing was founded in 2019 - but in 2021 I went all-in with the brand. But the journey really started back in 2016 after reading the book Giftology by John Ruhlin. That book really compounded something I already knew - that personalization, customization, humor, and personability - coupled with strategic gift-giving - can be a game-changer for any business. Looking back, I remember the first reaction to what I now call a “WOW Mailer”. I was both excited and nervous to see what the response would be. I followed up with an e-mail shortly after this impossible-to-reach prospect received the gift. His response - is now framed in my office. And he became one of my top clients. And that is how Coinflip Marketing was born. We do the work that will get your best prospects often calling you…

On a personal level, I live with my amazing wife and four kids (Calhoun-7, Leo -5, Cora-3 & Boden-1) in Richmond, VA. I love the St Louis Cardinals and often bid on eBay for bronze heads of Ozzie Smith. And for leisure, I enjoy reading books about business.