Nicholas Capone

Nicholas Capone Profile Photo

Executive Producer / Actor

Coming from a music family, I always thought I was destined to be a musician. My journey, however, led me to become a movie producer, SAG actor, and entrepreneur. I own a virtual real estate management company as well as an independent production company. I've managed to accomplish all of this starting from homelessness. I was homeless for 3 years and now I close deals with top industry professionals. My average film budget is $3M - $5M, although I have done (and am currently doing) higher budgets than that. In addition, I also advocate for homeless relief and mental health causes, as well as a mentorship program that my company created which allows me to mentor young filmmakers and help them in their journey of finding a career they love!

July 3, 2024

Raising Money For Movies and Shows

I’m thrilled to share some incredible insights from our latest podcast episode with Nicholas Capone, a film finance expert and executive producer at Mixed Slate Productions. If you’ve ever been curious about the world of film...