Hi, I’m Ladislas Maurice
If you’re reading this, the odds are that you are also intrigued about investing outside your home country—preferably somewhere with higher growth potential or yields. You might also wish to safeguard and grow your wealth in these uncertain times.
You see how a lot of governments have unhealthy balance sheets and debt levels, and you would like to diversify internationally to not have all your eggs in a single basket. Regardless of what your neighbours, friends and family think, it’s a very sensible thing to do—and you’ve come to the right place.
I made a lot of the “right moves”: I obtained a business degree in Canada before getting a Master of International Business and Law at the University of Sydney. During the Great Recession, I was lucky enough to make it through all the interview rounds at the Nestlé headquarters in Switzerland. This was the beginning of a 7-year corporate journey which led me to the executive board of Nestlé Ghana in charge of running a $90 million dairy business across 4 West African countries.
Age 30, after a fantastic experience, great learnings and profitable side investments—I cashed out & wandered off. I wanted to deepen my investing skills. Since then, I’ve been traveling the world and making deals and investments in various markets on a small scale, personal level.
My method is that I never rush. I go somewhere, and stay there for a few weeks or months. I build a network, do thorough research and due diligence, and make my moves. By acting this way, I can mitigate the risk of investing in higher growth and yielding markets. Such an approach is also what I use to investigate various asset classes.
People constantly ask me how I do things and how they can get started. I’ve made some fantastic investments over the years, as well as some (expensive) mistakes. My blog is about sharing some thoughts and tips along my journey.
- Business and Law School in Canada and Australia
- Former executive board member of Nestle in Ghana
- Now full time investor with a focus on emerging and frontier markets
- Frontier market stocks markets and emerging market real estate
- Traveled to almost 100 countries