Jeremy Blubaugh

Jeremy Blubaugh Profile Photo


Hi, I’m Jeremy Blubaugh - the Chief Prospecting Officer and owner at Coinflip Marketing. I’m a passionate and creative entrepreneur who absolutely loves to hunt for new business. In fact, I love it so much - I made it a full-time career. That’s what I do - I help you open doors. I help open hard to open doors. And I help you swing doors that are stuck an inch or two open by strengthening existing relationships. Coinflip Marketing was founded in 2019 - but in 2021 I went all-in with the brand. But the journey really started back in 2016 after reading the book Giftology by John Ruhlin. That book really compounded something I already knew - that personalization, customization, humor, and personability - coupled with strategic gift-giving - can be a game-changer for any business. Looking back, I remember the first reaction to what I now call a “WOW Mailer”. I was both excited and nervous to see what the response would be. I followed up with an e-mail shortly after this impossible-to-reach prospect received the gift. His response - is now framed in my office. And he became one of my top clients. And that is how Coinflip Marketing was born. We do the work that will get your best prospects often calling you…

On a personal level, I live with my amazing wife and four kids (Calhoun-7, Leo -5, Cora-3 & Boden-1) in Richmond, VA. I love the St Louis Cardinals and often bid on eBay for bronze heads of Ozzie Smith. And for leisure, I enjoy reading books about business.

July 6, 2022

How To Acquire High-Value Clients With Jeremy Blubaugh

Jeremy Blubaugh is Chief Prospecting Officer for Coinflip Marketing and loves finding new business opportunities. "I help you open doors by strengthening existing relationships." Says Jeremy. Today Jeremy speaks to us about l...