I was born in the Bronx. I had my first article published in Railroad Model Craftsman (model trains- published in Ramsey, NJ) in July, 1965 when I was 17. I have published my own newsletter for the last 30 years. ( A sample is available on my web site, which I designed.
I went to college at the University of Arizona and got a Bachelor's Degree in History & Government. Then law school for a year and a half & then to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for a Bachelor's in Accounting. I worked for the US Army as an auditor and lived 17 years in Germany, Korea, Japan & Belgium. I have written my own investing book called "Here Are the Customer's Yachts." And written a 2nd book “AIM for Millions with Stock Options” And I continue to publish my monthly investing newsletter showing best investments for my book.
I help investors learn AIM (Automatic Investment Management) contrary investing techniques through emails and phone calls.