Gui Costin

Gui Costin Profile Photo

Founder and CEO

Gui Costin is the Founder and CEO of Dakota, a powerhouse in the investment services industry. Since its inception in 2006, Dakota has helped clients raise over $40 billion. At the heart of Gui's leadership is a singular, profound mission: to be a mentor and foster career growth. He is a leader in sales and marketing, and works to help educate investment firms on the processes and procedures they can implement to scale their business

As a recognized leader in sales and marketing, Gui's passion lies in educating investment firms about innovative processes and procedures that can effectively scale their businesses. His expertise spans from nurturing talent to implementing cutting-edge strategies, making him a sought-after voice in the world of business growth, leadership, and investment industry dynamics.

Oct. 2, 2024

Capital Raising Campaign Strategies with Gui Costin

Capital Raising and Culture in Investment Firms Featuring Gui Costin, on the topic of capital raising and leadership within investment groups. This episode is packed with valuable lessons and strategies that can transform you...
Guest: Gui Costin