Eric B. McLoyd

Eric B. McLoyd Profile Photo


Peace, my name is Eric McLoyd… and I am YOUR CFO. 6️⃣-figure earners 🧒🏾 🙎🏾‍♂️ come to me when they want to gain control of their finances to secure 7 figures.

Do any of these sound familiar? Good at making money but bad at managing it, need help to grow your money mindset, or need help being fiscally responsible in your business.

Is that you? Good… because whether it's getting your personal finances under control 💵 or better using finance to run a business 🎯, I do THIS! I got YOU!! 👍🏾

I help 6️⃣-figure earners through my signature financial coaching program YOUR CFO where I provide the accountability, guidance + structure needed to:

1- Deactivate negative $ beliefs + behaviors
2- Improve financial literacy
3- Understand current financial situation
4- Implement 7 figure goals
5- Track your progress
6- Create your money team
7- “Become” a millionaire

Here's what my clients are saying: 🗣🗣🗣

🗣- After working with Eric for 3-months, he helped me create a new mindset about my relationship with money, implement systems to properly budget and track my expenses, and be accountable for my cash flow. S.Steward

🗣- Eric's Your CFO program has been an amazing addition to MLP! He helps me wrap my mind around business growth, leveraging my employees, and the financials of being an entrepreneur. He always leaves me with something to think about and it is because of his guidance that I finally feel in control of my destiny as a Woman-Owned, Black Owned business owner! M. Pressley

🗣- Having the opportunity to work with Eric has strengthened my mindset and positioned me to succeed. The accountability of becoming more of a professional from his coaching; helped to improve not just my business qualities but also my life to take on this journey. O. Melbourne

I’m most proud of …

🏅 Being a Husband and Dad to my wife + 3 children
🏅 Earning an MBA in Corporate Finance
🏅 Passing FINRA Investment Adviser Series 65 Exam
🏅 Having been an award-winning life + health insurance recruiter + producer
🏅 Starting my podcast Money Sex Gen X
🏅 Founding + leading several Chicagoland economic development institutions
🏅 Helping over 100 entrepreneurs of color fulfill their dream of becoming business owners + non-profit leaders
🏅 Helping my clients increase their net worth by an average of 1 million dollars.
🏅 Surviving “the trap” to find purpose in life.

June 30, 2022

Building Your Money Team with Eric McLoyd

Helping 6-figure earners gain control of their finances to secure 7 figures. 🏁 🏃🏾‍♂️ 🏁 ARE YOU READY?!! Financial Coach | Fractional CFO | Financial Podcaster Peace, my name is Eric McLoyd… and I am YOUR CFO. 6️⃣-figure earne...