Director of Global Operations
With 20 years of experience, Christopher, hired as a consultant, restructured sales models and manage resources (e.g. time, people, research, marketing and budgets) to create profitable, self-sufficient companies in various industries. In 2009, was grandfathered the Series 79 Investment Banker License, working with Syndicates and Underwriters, raised capital, structured and closed deals for a series of Investment Banking and Alternative Investments from REIT’s to private placements, IPO’s, structured Notes, even Viatical Life Settlements. As a Licensed Investment Specialist since 2004, offered Quantitative Analysis, Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Behavioral Finance and Risk Management based on clients’ personal investment objectives, resources, time horizon, risk profile and suitability. From 2015 Christopher, assisted clients in fee-based retirement planning, providing complete comprehensive holistic financial planning, from the accumulation phase to the distribution phase by managing 403B’s, IRA’s, taking advantage of Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Annuity’s, LTC, Disability Insurance, Estate Planning, Legacy Planning and delivery of Precious Metals (Physical Bouillon). Since 2018, with the help of the ChainRaise Team, Christopher has spent his time focused on his passion, retained by Real Estate Developers, to structure, package and present
projects construction loans for Multi-Family residential and Hotels.