Charlie Van Derven

Charlie Van Derven Profile Photo


Charlie Van Derven has coached and worked with financial professionals since 1998. Throughout his career, Charlie has worked with recognizable names such as Morgan Stanley, LPL Financial, Farmers Insurance, UBS and others, to assist in developing digital strategy. This successful work with major firms gives Charlie a unique glimpse into the interaction between corporate compliance and their sales channel, resulting in successful marketing and business development campaigns.

Charlie founded Social Advisors in 2013 after years of leadership roles with major marketing and business development firms in the financial services industry. He is also the host of the popular podcast RIA Collective.

Today, Social Advisors offers clients an entire complement of professional support. Their product suite provides all the knowledge and tools necessary for financial professionals to scale their growth.

As a father and husband, much of Charlie’s time outside the office is dedicated to family. In his spare time, you’ll find Charlie paddle boarding, golfing, RVing across the country or rehabbing his home in Florida.

Sept. 26, 2022

Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors with Charlie Van Derven

Charlie Van Derven has coached and worked with financial professionals since 1998. Throughout his career, Charlie has worked with recognizable names such as Morgan Stanley, LPL Financial, Farmers Insurance, UBS and others, to...