EP#3 Investor Acquisition Advisors

Investor in Reg A+ IPOs, and for public companies. Host of the "Top M&A Entrepreneur's Podcast". Bought two companies, shut one down, sold the other to private investors. Co-founder of TurboSquid, recently sold to Shutterstock.
Investor in Reg A+ IPOs, and for public companies. Host of the "Top M&A Entrepreneur's Podcast". Bought two companies, shut one down, sold the other to private investors. Co-founder of TurboSquid, recently sold to Shutterstock. 20 plus years in software businesses large and small. Served in the US Air Force. Connect on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonstoddard/

Jon Stoddard
Investors/Business Mentor/Host of Top M&A Entrepreneurs/Creator of DealFlowSystem.net
→ CEO of Stack Acquisitions
→ Host of Top M&A Entrepreneurs Podcast
→ Investor Acquisition Advisors – Reg A Crowdfund Raised for OTC companies.
→ Helped Novo Integrated Sciences (NASDAQ: NVOS) with Acquisitions and Uplist from OTC to NASDAQ in direct listing. Shares went from $4 to $37 in one day. LinkedIn
→ Helped a $15 Million revenue company purchase a startup for $7 million – paid in stock. LinkedIn
→ CenturyHearingAids.com – Turn-around - sold it on EmpireFlippers.com (in 72 hours I guess I underpriced it)
→ Bought a Course Business, had to shut it down after 6 months
→ Turbo Squid – Cofounder, VP of Marketing/Sales raised $5million from Intel and Advantage Capital – sold to Shutterstock many, many years later
→ Northern Arizona University – B.S. Electronic Engineering Technology
→ USAF Staff Sergeant, enlisted, did a few good things and got a ride in an F4 Phantom
→ First Acquisition Experience- in my teens, bought a calf for $90 and sold for over $1000