EP# 28 Real Estate Partnerships

https://1drv.ms/w/s!AsILhkawoPPaglIc1c3y7oWJs3jt 35 year hall of fame inducted award winning exclusive tenant rep advisor , speaker teacher trainer mentor and coach. 25 year Investor. Helping everyone get a foundation for a lifelong success schenktrain...
https://1drv.ms/w/s!AsILhkawoPPaglIc1c3y7oWJs3jt 35 year hall of fame inducted award winning exclusive tenant rep advisor , speaker teacher trainer mentor and coach. 25 year Investor. Helping everyone get a foundation for a lifelong success schenktraining.com schenkcompany.com Also see YouTube Greg Schenk and the Schenk company

Greg schenk
36 years award winning hall of fame inducted Exclusive tenant rep advisor
25 years speaker teacher trainer mentor and coach
25 years investor in multiple property types
Schenkcompany.com and schenktraining.com