Aug. 2, 2022

Celebrity Homes with Nathaniel Pitchon-Getzels

 Nathaniel is a Top Ranking real estate professional in California and has been running a group of agents for over a decade. He is the founder of Getzels Group, which has now been acquired by Compass, specializing in selling luxury properties. Nathaniel has been investing in real estate for over 20 years and hosts a weekly Real Estate podcast, while also having a network of agents spanning across several countries. Today he speaks to us about buying and selling celebrity homes!


 Good day, fellow dealmakers. Welcome to the deal scout man. This show is so fun because we get to talk with deal makers ranging from lemonade stands all the way to SPACs and kind of everything in between that talking about deals in general and then sometimes specific goals and metrics and things you could do to learn from other deal makers. Today on this episode, we're going to learn about luxury homes and we're gonna learn about celebrity homes and some of the things that you may never have thought about when dealing with these kinds of properties. With that may Daniel from LA, right. Welcome to the show. 

 Thank you. Thank you all. I love your mic there, by the way. I think it's the same one I have over here, 

 Actually. Oh yes. Oh yeah. 

 That's the short, right? 

 Yeah, it is. I love this, my one it's so it's like the baby version of what Joe Rogan uses. He uses the SM seven, whatever, but you have to deal with the XLR car app and stuff. And this is a USB man. So it works really well. 

 It's a plug and play. I like it. Keep it simple. 

 Keep it simple. Absolutely. Nathaniel, tell us about, where you put your focus and what you do. 

 Yeah. So I'm here in LA. Obviously I sell some very unique homes in this area and it's a pretty interesting backstory and the backstory leads to where it is now. So, I w I've taught in every level of school from preschool to college, except for first through fifth, because why waste time? I knew I had to do something, so, oh, that's weird. Sorry. The lights just went out. Anyway, I taught in our level school from first through fifth and not first exam. Everything was about education and, and what can I bring to the table? Not what can I get from the situation. Right. So that's always been my mindset. So, the that's the weird, you can still see me, right? 

 Yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. 

 Did you disappear over there now? The, the lights in this office, there are motion sensors. They went on and off and I just want to make sure you can still see. 

 You got to do the interview while doing jumping jacks. 

 That's right. That's right. That's the key that would actually really change things up. Right? Most people just sit here and talk to you. So this will be different. 

 I provide a workout and interviews at the same time. 

 Perfect. I love it. Right. It's it's nurtures the body and the mind. Yeah. I I've taught in every level of school and I was finishing my master's degree and, I was getting offered all these great jobs and things, and I thought, this is I'd rather die than do any of these things. I literally had done, with three-year program, like one and a half years straight A's and I just dropped it and I went, okay, I have to really figure out what it is that I want to do. Like, what will I enjoy doing? Right. I took the desire to help people, right. With real estate, it's either the largest financial decision of their life or a big one because, for celebrities and a lot of the CEOs and people who I work with a lot of the more unique clients, it's definitely not their biggest purchase by far, but it's still a big purchase because if it's where they live, it affects their lifestyle every day. 

 If it's not where they live, it's still a big financial vehicle and a great tool and an asset class. So there's that. I also like my guilty pleasure was Zillow and studying the values of homes and things like that at night. I had studied why people move in, where they move and what makes them move in the psychology of moving. I cam to the table of real estate from a different perspective, it's not transactional. It's not about price per square foot. It's not even about price. It's about your lifestyle. It's about how it makes you feel. Right? I've based everything through a tuning though, with people. So, Chris FOSS calls it tactical empathy, Mark Olson, calls it, listening in, in some books I've read, it's called finding the flow with your clients. One of my favorite clients, because it just the vibe, if you feel the vibe with somebody, then you're good. 

 Right. If I don't feel the vibe, then I'm out, right? The key with creating a relationships with people, especially on the higher level where money is not an issue, it's all about that relationship because that's your value, right? Creating that deeper relationship, going deep with people is your inherent value. Otherwise you're just like everybody else, you're replaceable. You can be bought and sold, but that relationship becomes your currency. I've always based everything in my business about first creating a relationship with people then assessing if we have a flow and then maybe we work together. Through that building that relationship, I'm establishing authority in the space. I'm establishing that I'm an expert in that I have expertise in the space. Right. I'm establishing that I do know what I'm talking about and that I care about you, our outcome. So, 

 So, so with this, right, so you were going to school to be a teacher and get in the educational. At some point you're like, oh, heck no, I want to get more into, in high-end properties, in luxury properties, working with celebrities, how in the world did you go from, did you make that transition, right? How did you get your first, big house deal or listing or, cause that's a pretty big jump there. 

 Yeah. And, it's, it was a very interesting path that I took, but it really all was the core of wanting to help people and working with my sphere. Right. And, started it with social media about 12 years ago. I didn't really people weren't really using social media for marketing, but I was organically on there with my friends when I started in real estate because I'm like, well, I don't have any business. I don't have a lot of money, but I have time. So I'll just, what do people do? I guess I'll pop on here. I organically found that I was finding deals that way. And the deal started to flow. I'm like, well, I bet I could probably hone this in. If I was intentional about it, I could actually create intentional deals and a system that would create more deals. So it was about building the relationships. 

 From my sphere, I met more and more people and, had bill already built that authority with those people. So that was one level. I also have a system where I found, I really believe we should focus on our strengths, right? Life, we need to focus on our strengths and then hire people for everything else. That's that's one of my secret sauce is focused on your strengths, hire people for everything else. One of the things I'm really good at was when I meet people in person, right. Everything we do is really driving to meet people. When people in person, I mean the other day I went to go buy a car and the car dealer who literally was just walking by in the sh in the showroom. I said, Hey, do you work here? He turns around. He goes, Hey, wait a minute. I know you w what do you mean? 

 Me, I've never met you before in my life, because you're the real estate guy I've seen you on your Instagram. Right. It's all about building those relationships and maximizing their sphere. Right. But, so then when I meet people, I always have a few things in my mind of how I can drive the conversation to real estate. I can immediately start to build that top of mind awareness with people. I always have three things where I can drive where I need to go. One of them is a current event. Everybody wants to know where's the market, right. Everybody asks you where's the market. So you have that in there. You have, when some interesting fact like about a cool house, everybody wants to know that. Some, the third one I switch out to be, it could be a current event. It could be a new law that's passed. 

 It could be something that affects them on a daily lifestyle level. Whenever I meet people, I'm immediately starting to build that top of mind awareness. A lot of the celebrities and the, and CEOs and, more unique clients that I have built that I have, I've built through time by just becoming the authority in the space and building that deep relationship with them. Right. So that's a unique thing. Like years ago, I had a giant celebrity who was referred to me the first one, really the first of like the big celebrities. They told me, okay, so, it was a referral, here's the phone number. This is who to call dah, dah. Great. I was like, I was nervous. I wanted to establish that I was, a professional, right. Because I, in my head, I knew I had never dealt with someone like that, but they didn't know that. 

 I wanted to make sure they knew that I had dealt with them before. 

 Professional. Keep it cool. Don't freak out when you see them. Right. That's. 


 The stuff was going through your head. 

 I call and, basically every rule of thumb and everything I've ever built was out the window. So I said, hello, how are you? Great. Terrific. How much do you want to spend and how are you going to fund this? Is it, is it cash or card? No. It cash or alone or how are you going to do it? And they just hung up. And that was it. I never heard from them again. Yeah. And I lost them forever. It's because I didn't follow my own rules, which is, I know you have to build a deep, authentic relationship and a tune with, before you get to the transaction, 

 You have to get in, especially. 

 With the higher end. Exactly. It's the flow you got to get in the flow. You got to get in the vibe, you got to get the empathy that the, attunement right back when I was, I used to be a behavior therapist for struggling with disabilities and, mainly autism and different things. So it's perceptual perception, disability. So they perceive the world differently. The key to doing that job effectively is a tuning. That way you build that relationship, and then there's a trust and a comfort level. That's the same across the board with anything you do, you need to build that, trust, that comfort level and achieve the flow or the vibe. 

 Yeah. I will have, we'll have through the podcast show, you meet some cool people and you, first of all, people are people, some just have a few more commas in their bank account, or a few more followers than you, or more famous, but people are people generally speaking. There's some absolute lack jobs out there at every level we all, could see that, but people, 

 The higher end, they're called eccentric when they're low, they're called crazy. 

 That's right. The difference between craziest and ecentric is how much money do you have, right. That's. 

 Right. Exactly. 

 So, like one of the things that, like when we're meeting a high net worth individual or a high profile client, like I have to tell some of my team and even myself, like, Hey dude, they're normal people don't freak out. 

 It's exactly. But, 

 But it's, it's cool. Once you, cause if you go straight to the, alright, tell me about your property, how much you want to spend, how much you just became a commodity, because anybody can literally do that. 


 I I'm jiving with you. We're we're getting in the flow ourselves here. 


 I, I like it too. Don't forget to do jumping jacks. Your lights don't go out and your motion sensor or whatever that is. Right. 

 Somehow they went back on, I don't know. 

 Happened, so, all right. So you lost your first big deal. You, you had a, a phone call with this big celebrity and how much you want to spend, how are you going to pay for this blah, blah, click. When that happened? What went through your mind? What, what happened? What was, what was the next two minutes? What did that look like? 

 Well, after the silent scream of, oh my God, what just happened? I went okay. Some more screaming, but then after that, I was able to comment on, okay, so I need to operationally think about this and make sure that never happens again. How do I do that by having a more intentional plan when I talked to everybody and not letting your emotion outweigh the logic of any situation, that's the problem, right? That the gift of working with your passions, right? Because when you're doing something out of passion, it's literally like you're drunk. Very often the logic is either in the backend or completely left off the equation. You're excited, it's good to be excited and business, and it's good to that's how you generate like really cool big deals. At the same time, you have to stay very operational and organized about it because otherwise you're going to mess it up just like that. 

 Yeah. Right. Like, so I have checklists, what's that. 

 Operational passion, 

 Operational path. That's exactly right. Because if you're just working off passion, you're like a drunk person and you're going to miss a lot of good things. If you're just working off operational, you're never going to build any relationship with anybody and you're going to lose everything. You're going to lose every deal. It has to be a healthy mix, operational passion. I think that's the perfect way to put it. 

 We'll trademark it together. It's now a thing. 

 See, em. 

 Yeah. So, all right. After screaming, first time, second time, and you're like, okay, I like this field. I like this group of people. I like these type of properties, luxury property, celebrity properties. Talk to us about deal. Number two. 

 Yes. That was the first referral of a big celebrity. I had a few people who I just naturally through referrals had worked with. I'm like, okay, I know how to do this. Right. I already know I have the skillset, but now when I meet somebody, how do I make sure within 30 seconds or less, ideally they instantly know that I know what I'm talking about. I'm trustworthy and I'm building relationship with them. Right. One of my clients and later business partners, he's a huge celebrity. He goes, I was doing, it was the beginning of the pandemic. People were just kind of figuring out the zoom thing back then. And, I got caught in traffic. I had to hop on a zoom in my car and he goes, I wouldn't do that. I said, well, why not? Like, it's me, I'm here. I wanna, I want to attend. 

 He goes within 10 seconds. You, I want everybody else on our call to know that you're the man, right. That, what you're doing, you're a professional you're, awesome. And the guy, right. A part of that is, is non-verbal and part of it's verbal. Right. I would kind of forget the nonverbal because I was so used to being on the phone. After this, that, after I stopped screaming, after the big call, I went, okay, I need to be able to do it verbally within 10 seconds. Right. I created a new way to guide that conversation when I meet people so that a, they know that I know what I'm talking about, but I'm building a relationship with them and asking them questions about themselves. Because in essence, who, what is the best conversation you've ever had? 

 Best conversation I ever had. I mean, logically it's, someone asking me about me and they want to know more about me and they're interested exactly. Maybe with my kids, I've got a really cute, set of kids. So they're fun to chat with sometimes. 

 Well, kids are amazing. That's a completely different, amazing space of humans here. In essence, I created a system where I ask leading questions about them, but that are working in things that I've done or knowledge that I have of the space. That way they're like, oh, instantly, I like this person. They know what they're talking about without me having to be transactional. I kind of guide them to answer the questions that I want to be asking. So it comes up in the conversation. 

 Super cool. All right. You got to, maybe we role play this, or maybe, yeah. Maybe. How would you feel comfortable? Maybe role-playing like, let's pretend I'm a big celebrity. I'm not, but let's just pretend for a second. Maybe you could walk us through some tips and tricks on how to deal with a high profile person. Are you okay with that? 

 Sure. Sure. 

 Okay. We'll just do a, a quick one. Right? Now the phone rings the first time you went name your price, name, your best name, your that, 

 Right. That was the wrong choices. Yeah. 

 So, so now I got, or, you got my number, you call me up. What does that typically look like? Take us through what feels calling me a list? Celebrity. 

 All right. What's your alias celebrity name? That's the first thing. Very important. 

 The Jewish hammer probably or Joshua. 

 All right. All right. Okay. Okay. 

 Hello. Hey, this Josh. What's up, man. Oh, 

 Hey Josh. This is Nathaniel Gesell's. How are ya? 

 Hey man. I'm pretty awesome. Thanks for asking. 

 My pleasure. Jacob mentioned, I should give you a call. Him and I were in a gorgeous house the other day up on Bellaire Ridge. I don't know if it's called the Odyssey house. It has a really cool basketball court and stuff. It, were just having fun and looking at gorgeous homes. He mentioned, you might be looking new, you might have some questions in the space. So, he said, you're the man. So I should give you a call. There something like you have any questions in the real estate space? 

 Super cool. All right. So pause. I love this already. Cause what you did is you, you said so-and-so gave me your contact information, told me to give you a call. We're at a house you're bringing into real estate. He said, you're interested in maybe making a move dude. Nice work. See that, that was the cool flow right there. I didn't feel freaked out. I mean, I'm not a celebrity too, 

 I wasn't trying to sell you anything was I I was just saying, Hey, do you, can I help? Like, is there some way I can help you? Right? Yeah. I'm not trying to sell you. I'm not trying to find out, how much money you want to spell you. Oh, you want to buy some, you want to sell some, you just have a question I'm here. I'm a resource. Right. I'm a value for you, right. I'm I could make your conversation with somebody else. More. Interesting. Cool. 

 Yeah. And that's so good. That could be used not only just for celebrity, but like people can use that same method just for any connection of human being. 

 Well, you know, here's another one. Hey yeah. I, I just saw, I just met you at the, at the car wash there and I was just on this great show called the deal-maker. Were talking about how to make deals in real, in the real estate space. You were mentioning, I saw you were looking at that magazine about homes. If you need any help with making any deals in the future, or if you have questions in the space, I've got, you covered whatever you need. It may be, I could provide value for you. 

 Yeah. Right. Yeah. Super cool, man. Yeah. Good, good job on that, man. It's the flow and the vibe and you didn't jump straight to a deal. You didn't jump steer, just like, Hey, someone said you had an interest. What do you want to know? What do you want to do? Like let's figure out a, a conversation. So, all right. I'm sure everybody in the world has been asking you these kinds of things. Like, are there groups of people that you could say, yeah, I've worked with this group or this, this person, or I did this, like, are you allowed to share some of the name? Cause I know there's confidentiality. 

 Yeah. That's the thing is it's so ironic actually about that because there's so many NDAs and different things you have to sign and sometimes you don't even know the things you're allowed to say or not. It's funny because then usually, and I'm suspecting it's their own teams, but who knows the information gets leaked out there and then you're seeing the house that you just sold or, the client you just worked with just bought this house, just bought that house. And you're like, that's the house. That was, that's what I did that. I just did that. You can't tell anybody you did it. Right. This just happened actually with a pretty big celebrity where I sold a house and I had to sign all these NDAs and I couldn't say anything. All of a sudden on all the websites, all my friends are sending me a, Hey look who just bought a house in your neighborhood or look at this great house. 

 Hey, isn't that looks like the house you just sold. Isn't that the house you just sold. What I do is I just try to market the house more than anything because people aren't dumb. They will figure it out sooner or later. Right. Like some of the people I've worked with, I have to sign NDAs, but like we can post pictures together or, I do other projects with them. So, I can post those things and then people just kind of figure out, well, if you're doing that project, you're probably working over there, that thing. 

 You're allowed to share with us who you've taken pictures with. 

 Well, you know, 

 Don't tell him to do that, man. I don't want to get you into and abide by. 

 We'll be in a legal vine there. Like some of the people I've worked with that I am allowed to talk about. Like, he's one of the biggest now business leaders and he used to run universal music, right? Jay Samit. He's a great guy. Him, he actually, I just talked to him for years. We built a deeper relationship friendship. He has a he's great business books out there. Probably the best business books on the market, some of them, yeah. One day he just calls me and he goes, Hey, so you've been telling me all this great information about real estate for years. Let's, I'm ready to make a move. Like, do you think it's the right time? Do you think I should? How should I do this? You know? That's one of the really cool, unique things that people forget is, people are the expert in their fields, right. 

 They could be the top musicians or CEOs or board members or, built billion dollar companies. When it comes to real estate, they want you to be the expert because you are the expert. That's the point of having you write that relationship and your expertise is your currency. Right. Otherwise we're the commodity. We go right back to being a commodity. It's absolutely so important to remember that. So, when people call you for information, don't be shy about it. Right. If it's good, great. If it's bad, you need to deliver it just as well as if it's good. Right. It's that doctor that has to give you the bad news. They just need to give it to you. Don't don't, try to dance around it. You just need to go straight for that information. 

 Yeah. As you're doing this, what are some of your dreams and aspirations in, in real estate, in your career? 

 Well, I mean, I want to build enough people where they can make, I want to teach at least 200 how to make a hundred thousand dollars a month through passive income through real estate. And now that's a combination. Like I do a lot of stuff in the STR space, which is short-term rentals, right? I'm on the board of a company that just launched called house lit, which is kind of a, a mix of, if you think of Zillow and Airbnb having a baby, and then they focus in 30 to 90 day furnished rentals, but it literally simplifies the rental of any house. It's with a few clicks solution. Just like, if you think about the way you would rent something on Airbnb, but it's a beautiful furnished house, right. And maybe you're there six months. So that's something that's interesting. I want, I wanted that to grow and see that, but I'd like to help people make a hundred thousand dollars a month, which is not as hard as you think for most people. 

 Because if you just get 10 projects that make you $10,000 a month, you're there. Now before you get out of bed, you've made $1.2 million before you're even out of bed at the beginning of the day. Right. Which allows you to then do a lot more of your passion projects and do more interesting things in businesses in the business, because now you can take risks and can do fun things and you can do bigger projects, right? Yeah, 


 So that's one goal. The other goal is build my own team of super agents here in LA. Right. That's actually a project I'm working on right now. I just added someone. Awesome. Part of that is I have to convince them, not convince them, but I don't want to convince them to be on the team. I get, I get called by people all the time to be on the team. I usually talk them out of it. So, there's a series of books you have to read and then a series of interviews you have to go through. Finally I'm like, okay, just convince me why, what you're going to bring to the table. Right. So that's another goal. I'd love to see how's let grow exponentially. I'm doing a lot in the STR space. I want to end up having STR properties in almost every country right now. 

 I have them in 1, 2, 3, 4 countries. I haven't been to two of the countries though. 

 Super cool, man. Yeah. So, so as you're doing this, as you're building out, you want to teach 200 people to create a hundred K a month in, in real estate income. You're, you're building you're on the board for a tech company. That's the Zillow meets Airbnb. They have a baby. It's a really cute baby. 

 It's really pretty baby. Really pretty baby. 

 Cute baby. Sounds like. Building a team of super agents in LA, like how do you keep it balanced? Right. You say in your world, you focus on your strengths, hire out all the weaknesses. How do you keep balanced and how do you keep yourself from when those other tasks and the weaknesses start to creep in, how do you guard yourself from just diving in and doing that kind of work. 

 Discipline? It's, it's hard because I am a control, not control freak, but I, like, I know I can do the thing the best way. Right. Like, I have somebody that does the paperwork side for me. Right. She, I have someone that does the pre Asgrow and during escrow and post escrow. Right. Two different people, because I don't really love that part of the, of the deal. 

 Right, exactly. Yeah. 

 I'm good at it. I know it, and I know it better than a lot of agents. A lot of agents, it turns out, don't read the contract very often, naturally, which is weird, but you can benefit by knowing that, in fact, I've got somebody $80,000 off their house, simply because the agent never read the contract. 


 So, I wrote in all the furniture and then when it came down to the time that were going to release contingencies or no, were doing the final walkthrough, I'm sorry, all the furniture was gone. I called the agent and I said, Hey, the furniture's gone, gotta bring it back. It's in the contract. He goes, oh, well, I, I never knew that. I'm like, well, it says it in the contract on page four, whatever it was, he goes, well, I didn't read past page two. That's where all the amount of the money and the length of the escrow was I, nobody reads past their do they? Oh, well there's. My client was very happy because they got a huge discount on the house. They really funny enough. They really just wanted two pieces in that entire house. They wanted this like Bullhead thing and this weird picture, but, they didn't know that like the sellers didn't know that. 

 In the contract I'd written, I'd written, I want all the furniture. I figured we would negotiate that, but they never did. Came down to the end and well, my clients were very happy. Let's just say, yeah. So, but yeah, having systems, you have to build in systems and then stick to them. Right. I built in that system that great. I get a deal. Okay. Now I call her and I say, Hey, you're going to go right up this deal. Right. And then I pass it along. Creating repeatable, dependable systems that work, and then depending on your systems, right? You have to create a dependable system and then depend on the system. 

 Created. I like that create a dependable system, then depend on the system. That's right. How many systems I've created that just wound up sitting on the shelf. So. 

 I do. I do. 

 Because we use it, right? 

 Yes, exactly. People always ask me like, what's the most effective marketing right. That you do. I always tell them the most effective marketing for you will be the marketing you do. Right. Whatever you do consistently is the thing that's going to work for you. If you have a system, but you don't use it's not going to work. If you have a dependable system that you depend on systematically, you're good to go. Yeah. You have to create systems that you actually use and that work, and then you have to be able to assess those systems. If something changes as things always do, you can adjust it accordingly. 

 That's cool, man. All right. So fun question. Well, in my brain, it's fun. We'll see if it's fun or not. You and I are sitting down having a coffee and is that. 

 It was super fun podcast, by the way, I'm having a ball. 

 Thanks, man. And your lights are still on. So you're getting an exercise. You're doing interviews. We're having fun on the flow. I like it. All right. So yeah, man, we're cruising. All right. We're having a coffee together and someone shows up and they want to buy some real estate and we get to work on a deal with someone and they could be living or if someone from the past, but it's someone that you've like would dream. Like if I could work with that person, it'd be a dream come true. It could be someone of the past, someone of the present who is that person that we're going to do a deal with. 


 What are we in celebrity? 

 What are we doing for the, where are we in the deal? Are we one of the principals? Are we an agent? What's where are you and I in this deal? Are we on the same side? Are we on different sides? I need to know more information. Okay. 

 Okay, cool. So I'll set the stage. All right. W so you and I, I'm an, I'm now an investor with you. We're doing some deals and we're building this kick ass team of agents in LA, where, I've invested in the tech company and we're hanging out and someone came up and they said, Hey, I know you, Nathaniel, I saw you on Instagram. You're the luxury house person. I want to do a deal with you. I need help find in the house. So that's the sets the stage. 

 Okay. Okay. They want to help finding a house? Yes. Okay. I would choose one of two people. Okay. The first one is Bob hope because people don't realize this, but Bob hope owned an insane amount of real estate here in LA. One of the reasons that there's like Ahmanson ranch and all these huge swaths of land that are open now for our enjoyment, right. That it isn't just built over for miles and miles of home, that we have some of the biggest, LA has the biggest green space to urban border of any other city in the country. That's partially because Bob hope and some of his friends own so much real estate and they strategically bought it in different places. Just huge swaths of land that are iconic even to this day, even though most people don't know that he owned it previously. That's right. 

 Cool. That's one of the reasons that's one of the two people. That there's been some very large historic property owners in LA. Right. Like some that, the guy who used to own the Reyes Adobe here in Calabasas, actually, which funny enough, the race Adobe, sorry, the alone Leona's Adobe house in Calabasas is the oldest house in Hollywood, even though it's in Calabasas. Right. Because it was originally built in Hollywood. At night they put it on a truck one day and took it to Calabasas. 

 They stole the house or they intentionally moved it. 

 He moved it because he wanted to be, I think he sold the property in Hollywood that it sat on and he wanted it to be on his property here in Calabasas. 

 Oh, super cool. All right. So yeah, 

 They did it without, back then they just did it at night. So nobody knew it was happening. Right. They just wanted to move it. 

 So this house it's. 

 Just, listen, we'll be in know back in the day they could do that. It was a, his name was Miguel Leona's have you owned? He owned hundreds of properties here in LA that were all, like a little patchwork throughout everything. And, and nobody really knows, he was kind of an unsung big owner. He, he married a native American woman. He was kind of shunned, but he owned so much. He couldn't be that shunned. It was very interesting, but I think he'd be an interesting guy to work with because I'd love to know how he chose this little patchwork of properties. There was hundreds of them throughout LA. 

 Super cool. All right. The next question to that's awesome, man. I think that'd be a lot of fun, man. I'd love to hear the stories from like Bob hope and B being an old timer in Hollywood and getting to see all the CNA grow, man. That would be good choice on that. Nice work. 

 Thank you. What. 

 Coffee shop would we be visiting? 

 We would be visiting a 10 speed coffee. 

 Okay. 10 speed coffee. Cool. 

 Yeah, it's a, there's one here in Calabasa and there's one in Santa Monica. It's it's pretty spectacular. Yeah. 

 Okay. I come there and that's where we'll go for coffee together. 

 We'll sit over the Creek, which actually the Creek that the one in here it's built next to and Calabasas, it was written by Lewis spell boa. It, that this was the Creek that he wrote about because it's one of the only creeks in California that runs away from the ocean. 


 So they built this coffee shop. It's part of a coffee shop, end and restaurant that sits on this Creek. That is a historic Creek that was written about by one of the original explorers of California. 

 That's cool, man. That's cool. Yeah. Let's do this for people who want to connect with you and maybe learn that process of, Hey man, I would love I'm in real estate. I would love to get a hundred K a month in reoccurring revenue, passive income using maybe some short-term rentals or some technology. Where could I learn more about that? That sounds interesting to me. 

 Oh, well the best place that the main place is a Gesell's group and Instagram it's called ad Gesell's group as my handle, G E T Z E L S group G R O U P a. That has my phone number, my email, everything, probably my blood types on there at this point, the internet has it. All right. So I'm in there. That's the best or call me directly, email me, text me, or Instagram is the best though. Those, those are the best ways to get me. 

 It sounds good. Now, when it comes to celebrity homes, short-term rentals, I'm sure we could probably have a, a good long conversation about short-term rentals. That might have to be a future episode, but when it comes to celebrity homes and getting into the flow of clients and, building actual relationships and not being a commodity driven agent, right? 


 What questions should I have asked you? Or what's one more point that you want to share with us before we say goodbye today? 

 Well, you always have to look, you have to figure out where you're going to provide value. You have to be able to find that alternative deal, right? For a lot of these, it's finding the alternative deal, that alternative way to create the income, the different angle, to look at the house. That's that's the important thing is you have to, that's how you create more, even more value. That's the third prong of that values because you have the knowledge, you create the relationship, and then you're able to see things because of the knowledge you have of the industry and what your client needs. You're able to see things that other people can't right, that your client can't see that outsiders can't see. Because of your combination of your experience and your relationship, you can create these opportunities. Like I had a house that were, that one of my clients built and he wanted to get a very high rent and it was high. 

 I mean, it was a $45,000 a month rent that he wanted to achieve. 

 Well, that's not high, 

 It's nothing that's, more than the medium income of some professions, but it's fine. So, and I, I thought the house at the time I was questioning if it was worth quite that much. What I did was I figured out a way that we could do a master lease to another company that company would do short-term leases so they could create more money. My client was easily able to achieve the li the lease amount that he wanted. That outside company made about double that a month off the house. Everybody ended up being a winner, but, my client had no idea. This was even an option. Yeah. When he said, I just want 45,000 a month for my house. Right. Or 50,000 or whatever it is. You have to be able to create deals and create situations where everybody is a winner. 

 Yeah. Right. 


 All right. Nathaniel, all your contact information, the ones that you wish to share with the community will be in the show notes, fellow deal-makers. Man, if you're looking to get into real estate, maybe invest in short-term rentals and you want to learn how to turn that into a business. My suggestion is always reach out to our guests and say, Hey, heard you on the deal scout. Want to learn more and maybe teach me how to do what you do if you're working on a deal and you want to talk about it here on the show and educate us and learn with us, head on over to the deal, fill out a quick form and maybe get you on the show next till then we'll talk to you all on the next episode. Bye everybody. 

Nathaniel Pitchon-Getzels Profile Photo

Nathaniel Pitchon-Getzels


Nathaniel is a Top Ranking real estate professional in California and has run a group of agents for over a decade. Founder of Getzels Group now part of Compass specializing in selling luxury properties. While investing in real estate for over 20 years, Nathaniel hosts a weekly Real Estate podcast and has a network of agents spanning across many countries. He also sat on the board of several companies such as Hostie, acted as an advisor to companies like Quantum RE: specializing in fractional ownership while serving as an expert witness. He has also served on the board for educational institutions and non profits.

He's also been on multiple panels discussing different topics that he would love to share with you and your audience such as being a first time home buyer, luxury real estate, how and why cities grow, the current market, the future market, generational wealth, alternative investments strategies, custom properties, property development, millennials and real estate, international investments and investing as a group.