AI for Sales with Thomas Ryan
In this episode of The Deal Scout, Josh interviews Thomas Ryan, CEO and founder of Bigly Sales, an AI company. They discuss the transformative potential of AI in sales and dealmaking. Ryan predicts that AI will revolutionize business more in the next five years than the internet has in the last 30, replacing level one support for most companies by 2024. He also discusses the potential dark side of AI, such as scams and misinformation, and the impact of AI on the workforce. Ryan concludes by sharing how AI can revolutionize sales and scale businesses, and offers assistance through Bigly Sales' upcoming SDK for automation.
I'm thrilled to share some exciting insights from our latest podcast episode where I had the pleasure of hosting Thomas Ryan, the CEO and founder of Bigly Sales. We had an enlightening conversation about the transformative role of AI in sales and deal-making. Here's a quick rundown of what we discussed:
- AI: The Game-Changer in Business: Thomas believes that AI will revolutionize business more in the next five years than the internet has in the last 30. Imagine AI handling your emails, providing instant and accurate responses, or even replacing level one support for most companies by 2024!
- AI in Outbound Prospecting: We delved into the future of AI in voice calls, where AI can answer the phone and even clone voices. Despite some latency issues, this technology is expected to be available soon, potentially replacing customer service reps and appointment setters.
- The Dark Side of AI: We also touched on the potential misuse of AI, such as voice cloning for scams and misinformation. Thomas emphasized the importance of familiarizing ourselves with AI tools and being cautious of what we see and read.
- AI: The New Industrial Revolution: Thomas compared the impact of AI on the workforce and productivity to the industrial revolution. He believes that AI will lead to another renaissance for humanity, allowing us to work on more meaningful tasks and pursue our passions.
- AI in Sales and Scaling Businesses: We discussed how AI can revolutionize sales and scale businesses, automate and scale sales processes, and the importance of adhering to new rules and regulations regarding opt-ins and data privacy.
I must admit, I'm both excited and nervous about the advancements in AI that Thomas and his team are working on. If you're as intrigued as I am and want to learn more, I encourage you to visit They have a live button that connects callers to a salesperson during business hours and an upcoming SDK for automation that promises to save time and money.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Thomas for sharing his insights on AI and its applications. If you found this conversation as enlightening as I did, feel free to reach out to Thomas and express your gratitude.
And remember, if you're a professional in the deal-making community and would like to share your expertise on the show, please fill out a form on
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02:31 - The use of AI in customer support
05:18 - AI in outbound sales and prospecting
07:57 - Overcoming latency in AI conversations
09:56 - The dark side of AI
15:48 - Automation in businesses
19:33 - Preventing misinformation
21:19 - The AI Renaissance for Humanity
24:26 - New Features of AI Tools
27:26 - Scaling Sales and Automation with AI
30:06 - The appointment scheduling process
31:04 - Connecting with Bigly Sales
31:53 - Using Bigly Sales SDK and services
Josh (00:00:02) - Hey, good day everybody. Welcome to the deal, Scout. On today's show, we're going to talk about the world of AI in sales. With that, let's have a conversation with the guy who's building those kind of companies and and making I work for you, Mr. Thomas. Ryan. Welcome to the show.
Thomas (00:00:18) - Hey, Josh, how are you?
Josh (00:00:19) - I'm freaking awesome, man. I'm so glad you're here. And, uh, both in the wonderful country of Florida. It's good to see you.
Thomas (00:00:26) - Yeah, it is like it's own country. Right?
Josh (00:00:29) - Exactly, exactly. So, Thomas, who are you, man?
Thomas (00:00:34) - Who am I? So I'm CEO and founder of Bigly Sales. I founded bigly in 2020, and we started off as a sending platform and have really since more from that. And to an AI company where we're laying AI on top of everything that we do internally for our business as well as for our clients.
Josh (00:00:57) - Got it. Now, how does that work in the world of dealmaking? Like how does AI in in dealmaker you know combined? Yeah.
Thomas (00:01:05) - So no, that's a great question. Um, AI is going to transform business more in the next five years than the internet has in the last 30. Um, it's going to transform literally everything that we do. So every everything that a person does on a computer right now, I can already do better is close to doing better or will be doing better within a couple of years. Everything. Um, so if you're a luminary in your field, you're probably still better at AI, better than AI in that particular facet, but you won't be for long. So, um, I mean, it's really just going to be absolutely transformative. Uh, what we're doing is we're using it for sales and for service. So, um, you know, and really, uh, service support. Right. Um, if you think about any big company right now, they get a deluge of emails that they need to deal with, and then they have someone on the other end of those trying to answer those questions, look up, see how to deal with them, see what to do, try to triage.
Thomas (00:02:11) - Is it high? You know, is it a big problem? Is it a little problem? So like, we have, uh, company that we're dealing with and they ask you, hey, how would you rate the issue on a scale of one to 4 or 4 being critically severe, one being not that big a deal. And like, they ask you to triage for them, right, because they have more stuff than they can handle. And pretty much every business I deal with, it takes them a long time to answer these requests. Yeah. It's slow. Um, oftentimes they'll just send you an article, usually one that is totally unrelated to whatever your problem is, right? Uh, the the first time that you, um, ask them for help and, you know, oftentimes, if not, they'll have someone get back to you. Maybe it takes a few minutes. Maybe it takes a few days, maybe it takes a few weeks. Maybe they just never get back to you, depending on, you know, how good their support system is.
Thomas (00:03:09) - So I can transform that overnight. They can take all their company data. It can be fed in there. It can answer most of these questions instantaneously for folks. It can actually answer the question that they want, rather than just grab some keywords and send them an article that, oh, you mentioned the word billing. Uh, here are five articles on billing, right? Um, you know, and it should be able to replace level one support in 2024 for pretty much everyone you know. Now, I know everyone isn't going to do it in 2024, but, um, you know, it's going to move so much faster than these other things have because the cost savings that they're going to get is just going to be astronomical.
Josh (00:03:54) - For sure. Yeah. And I mean, we're running into these situations now, right? I go, you know, to call a bank or to, you know, call a, you know, one of the tech companies or the software that I use love calling banks.
Thomas (00:04:06) - Right. Always a great time.
Josh (00:04:07) - Yeah. It's terrible. Or you go to their website and you go chat now and then you type in your thing and just go, sorry, I don't understand. Please try to rephrase it and then you type it in again and then by the end of it you're clicking, you know, talk with a customer service representative. You never get through. So then I just go cancel my subscription. I'm like, well, screw that, right? If I can't figure it out on my own and I can't get Ahold of someone and nobody's responded to my email, I'm done. I'm not going to waste money that's on the customer service side. I really get how, you know I can make that more beneficial rather than a if a then B kind of thing. What about on the sales side? What about on the prospecting side, the outbound side work? Where are we seeing I go where you know it'll be outbound where I don't even know an AI is talking to me or something like that.
Josh (00:04:58) - Like where do you see the future of that going?
Thomas (00:05:00) - So we're working on that. We're working on that for voice right now. Right where, um, literally the AI will be able to field a phone call, answer the phone. You can clone any voice out there today. Right? So one of the guys in my AI group, uh, you know, because I'm an I grew up in Miami, a bunch of guys who were doing this professionally, running businesses, just practitioners who use it every day. Um, he put together an ad, and he cloned Joel Osteen's voice, and they told him, like, you can't play this. Like, you can't put this on the internet. But, um, it sounded exactly like Joel Osteen, like preaching about, like how you should get, you know, throw off the shackles of the chains of debt. You know, in the Bible, in this verse, it says to do this. And like, you just couldn't tell. I mean, you couldn't tell it wasn't him.
Thomas (00:05:47) - Right? So they can clone anyone's voice these days. That already works perfectly. They can understand chat live. You know, the only issue that we're having with, uh, getting the phone calls live right now is the latency. Um, there's still some latency issues that we're dealing with, but it these are going to be solved shortly. Right? We're expecting to have this out first quarter where, you know, what we're going to start with is doing form fills because we're doing a lot of things with leads for businesses, um, where we can take it, we can take a live call, we can have it answer 4 or 5 questions, go back and forth with the person, and then, um, be able to transfer that to somewhere else. But I think it will be able to replace a lot of the customer service reps, a lot of the appointment setters, a lot of the, you know, kind of step one for sales and for any business on the planet in any language, you know, um, so one of the cool things, like we have a lot of the autoresponders set up for, um, you know, email, text, uh, right.
Thomas (00:06:56) - Chat bots, things like that. So someone will be speaking in English or say something in English, or someone say, oh, Espanol. And they'll write the same thing in Spanish. Or in French, like it'll just go on the fly. Someone says a word in French, and we'll write the whole thing back to him in French, and we'll write something in Chinese or write the whole thing back in Chinese. Right.
Josh (00:07:15) - So easy. Right? So, like so you're saying pretty soon, I mean, we're not quite there yet because there's a latency. So describe latency. Is that, is that where I ask a question like hey Tom's good to see you, man. And then I was thinking, thinking good to see you too, Josh. Right. Is that what you mean by latency?
Thomas (00:07:37) - Yeah, that's exactly it. So we have to do an API call. We're, you know, we're standing on the shoulders of giants, right? Um, we're using cloud and ChatGPT on the back end.
Thomas (00:07:47) - We do an API call to them. Um, and there's a little bit of time for that API call if we're calling to 11 labs do voices. There's a little bit of time for that API call. If we have to do something to take the voice coming in and get it into a format that ChatGPT can process, there's an API call there. So you start stacking these things together, and now it's two, three, five seconds, right? And that's just too slow for a phone call. Right?
Josh (00:08:12) - So it'll feel weird conversationally. But over time, latency is going to disappear.
Thomas (00:08:18) - Absolutely. Oh, I mean, we think we can figure it out internally here in the next couple of months. Um, you know, it's just we have to co-locate somewhere else. Maybe we have to use a different API provider for some of the things. You know, we're actually having a support call with our API guys, um, tomorrow to to see if we can get a live stream like they have on Twilio.
Thomas (00:08:40) - If not, maybe we have to switch Twilio on the back end. But, you know, these are all solvable problems. These are these I mean, we're we're talking months, not years.
Josh (00:08:48) - Wow.
Thomas (00:08:49) - And I know there's a bunch of guys working on this. We're not the only ones.
Josh (00:08:52) - Yeah. Is there any you know, there's so many things that this could be used for good. There's also things that could be used for damage. Right. Like someone could I've been on 2000 podcasts interviews. Right. So like, someone could, like, through everything I've said, can say anything they want because I probably said all the words in my vocabulary. Over the years of doing this. So like, someone could literally have a bot telling me or speaking exactly for me to my wife, my kids, whatever.
Thomas (00:09:23) - Yeah, it's worse than that. They could probably do it with about 10s of your voice.
Josh (00:09:27) - Oh.
Thomas (00:09:28) - Right. You know, maybe even less. Um, they would be able to take your voice, clone it, you know, if you want it to be really good, maybe they need to use 5 or 10 minutes.
Thomas (00:09:36) - Right? But, um, they could literally take your voice, clone your voice, and have it do anything. So if your bank is using voice recognition. Right. Maybe they could call your bank. They think it's you. There's a problem. I need to move this money to another account. Right. Something that we're hearing is happening already. Like my mom says, you get called every couple of weeks now and someone's like, grandma, it's me. And they're like, you're not my child. You know? You're not my grand. You're not my grandson or my granddaughter, right? That they just keep trying to scam my mom because, you know, she's old, right? So there's people, like, literally trying to scam like grandma. It's me. Well, if they call actually using my daughter's voice because they found her voice on the internet. Well, now that's going to be powerful. Now grandma is going to be, oh my God, there's a problem and you need me to send $2,000 immediately.
Thomas (00:10:30) - Hold on. Right. So yeah, all of these things are coming. They're only going to get worse. Like, there's absolutely a dark side to this. You know, if you look at misinformation, people like, oh, you know, there's misinformation on the internet. Well. If you create, I don't know. 10,000 bots on Twitter, and now you hook an LM to them and you have them all post something. It's all going to be unique. Now it's all going to be written. In different tone by different people, right? It's not just going to be the same comment over and over and over. Well, have them all post 1000 times a day and have them all comment on something a thousand times a day. Right now you're having thousands times thousands, right? So you're saying, okay, you know, now we're going to have ten, 100 million, a billion messages a day. Well, I don't think there's 100. I don't think there's a billion messages a day on Twitter.
Thomas (00:11:24) - Right. So you could literally overload the entire server with whatever someone wants. So someone with an agenda, an eye and just a little bit of coin behind them could be able to go and change any debate and do that on any of the social media platforms. Right. So all of this stuff is when Elon said, like the bots are going to take over in 2024 if we don't start charging users. He was right. But even if you start charging users, you know, for you to come up with, you know, I mean, if you want to really shape policy and you have a budget of $1 million a month. You know, you wouldn't even need that, right? A couple hundred grand. You could really move the needle. And, I mean, there's all sorts of things like this that you can do where everything. You'll be able to do it ten times, 100 times, a thousand times faster and more efficiently using this. So I mean, there's also and I'm not even going to get into the stuff like they they've put this on planes already like with fighter pilots and it's beating Top Gun pilots.
Thomas (00:12:28) - Right. Like it's beating Top Gun pilots.
Josh (00:12:30) - Like not goose.
Thomas (00:12:32) - 999 times out of a thousand. Um, that they put the AI on there and they train it and it just it's reflexes are better than yours or mine. Certainly better than mine, right?
Josh (00:12:48) - Uh.
Thomas (00:12:49) - You know, so, like, yeah, there's some crazy things that are going to happen with this. It's not the Skynet Terminators taking over. It's, you know, it's really autocomplete right now. It's it. But they can feed so much data into this thing and it can learn. So fast, like it will be able to just beat humans at pretty much any task like that. So driving, you know, flying, writing, uh, viewing images, looking at, you know, uh, creating images like these are all things. It's already better.
Josh (00:13:25) - Yeah. Wow. That's today. How do we know what's authentic and what's not? You don't.
Thomas (00:13:30) - You don't. Nothing's authentic anymore. Authenticity is dead. Um, you know, that's.
Thomas (00:13:36) - I thought when the internet came out, it was going to be the new printing press, and it was going to lead to, you know, where everyone has knowledge, but it's, you know, you have to think that you can't believe anything you see or hear. You don't know what is authentic and what is not anymore, that they can literally use your image and your voice. And they could create something, you know, saying how you know, you want to exterminate everyone on Earth and, you know, kill everyone. And you know, it's like, oh my God, this guy's crazy, right? But they could put that together and, you know, 15 minutes if they wanted to. But my my graphic designer, who could put that together in 15 minutes, you know, offshore, you know. Um, and it's not even difficult. Wow.
Josh (00:14:20) - So how how how does. Oh, man. Holy moly. Right, right. Like so for for dealmakers. Right. So how do we get on the front end of this? In a way that's good.
Josh (00:14:34) - But that also is, you know, massively profitable. Like, how could you know how could salespeople use this? How could businesses use this to boost sales. Like where should we be putting our focus? I talked about.
Thomas (00:14:45) - The dark side. This is like anything else, right? Um, there there is a good and a bad to everything. Yeah. So, you know, for businesses, this is going to make every business, especially big businesses, it's going to make them all more profitable. So I can see this raising the entire value of the S&P 500 over the next 4 or 5 years, just tremendously that there's so many things they can automate. There's so many tasks that they handle poorly right now that they can improve. You know, there's a lot of stories about people coming into companies and they're like, yeah, I improved the profitability of this unit in the business 50% in two weeks, right. Like literally like it took us two weeks and we've increased their profit. We've cut their costs 50%.
Thomas (00:15:28) - We've increased their efficiency 300%. We've like and we've it took us a month. It took us a week to like, you know, and there's story after story after story like that, you know, kind of everywhere you look. And it's just starting like every big business should be grabbing someone who's really good at this, or a bunch of guys are really good at this and saying, you should be going into every business unit in this unit, how can you make it more efficient? How can you save money? How can you save time? How can you, you know, increase efficiency, how right. And any of these manual tasks that are taking place or are prime places where you'll be able to do this? Uh, I was talking to some guys who are doing this for trucking companies. Right? And these guys worked in trucking. That's just why they did it for trucking companies. They would see every time in order would come in, they would have to manually kind of enter this thing.
Thomas (00:16:23) - They'd take it from one computer and enter it into another system by hand. And every time it took them a half hour or something. And if they were a decent sized trucking company, they might get 1000 of these a day.
Josh (00:16:33) - Wow.
Thomas (00:16:34) - Well, that's 500 hours a day. And now ChatGPT can do that pretty much instantaneously, right? They do an API call ChatGPT. ChatGPT does that instantaneously. It saved them 475 hours a day, right? It saves, you know, that's like what, 12 people. Right? So, you know, overnight they can basically they they get that set up. It takes them a few weeks to get it set up. And now it sells them 12, you know people a day of work. Um, and all those guys are probably getting paid 50, 70, you know, 100 grand, whatever the number is, right? Um, and it's every department in the company is the exact same thing. So big companies are going to use this. They're going to save a lot of money.
Thomas (00:17:25) - On this very, very quickly.
Josh (00:17:27) - So how do we I proof ourselves where I mean, this is philosophical question, right? Like maybe it's philosophical like how do we how do we. How do we prevent the bad? How do we get the good? And how do we make sure that it doesn't turn into the Terminator?
Thomas (00:17:47) - So a couple of things. I'll answer this in three parts. Okay. You know, uh, number one, learn these tools now. Right. If you don't, if you haven't played around with ChatGPT, learn it. Um, it can teach you how to do literally everything, right. You can, you know, especially if you're doing stuff on a computer. It's ridiculously good at this stuff. Like, if you don't know how to code, it can teach you how to code, right? If you're looking to try to do something on your computer, I, I need to transfer all my data from one computer to another, and I don't know how to do it right.
Thomas (00:18:18) - Boom. It'll show you how to do it. It'll take five minutes. It'll walk you through. You don't understand a step. It'll explain it to you in excruciating detail. Right? You get an error, you say, I got this error and it says, oh, if you got this error, this must have happened. And then right. And now you have all the answers. Um, so anything that is technology based, it is amazing. I mean, just amazing, especially now that can access the internet. It can literally even if it hasn't really seen much of it and go out and find the latest documentation, scour the whole internet for you and come up with the right answer, like 95% of the time in a couple of seconds, right? So start playing around with them. Start using it like that's number one. Um, number two. Um. You know, don't just believe anything you see or read. If you see something and it looks a little off to you, or if you're getting some, take a step back and say, wait a minute, this might be fake now.
Thomas (00:19:13) - Right. Well, that was my friend's voice calling me, and they said they needed help. Give him a call back. Hang up. Call him back.
Josh (00:19:22) - Right? Yeah.
Thomas (00:19:23) - Um. Anything. Oh, my God, I need money. Right? It's just like you got an email, I need money. I, uh, I was overseas, and I lost my phone, and you were the only person I thought of, you know, number 200, my address book. Right? You know, it's probably not real, right? So, yeah, you got to think the scams are going to get more effective. Um, a lot of the stuff is going to seem more effective. They will be able to do things with voice, but they can already do it with voice. Right? So just because you hear someone's voice doesn't mean it's real anymore. Um, you know, so just take a step back, you know, anything you see, anything you read, right? Is this actually real? You know, is this authentic? And you got to just take a step back and say, hmm.
Thomas (00:20:08) - You know, maybe it isn't not be so trusting. Uh, you know, I wasn't that trusting to begin with, so that was easy for me. But, um, you know, you really have to, to kind of think critically about, you know, what's real and what isn't, and just for the long term benefits. Um, this is a story I like. So if you go back to the founding of the country, you know what 90% of the people did. Farm to farm. That's exactly right. They were all farmers. 90% of the workforce was farmers. So if you told them. Hey. Uh, by 200 years from now, only 5% of the people are going to be firemen or 7% or whatever the number is and say, well, what are the rest of us going to be doing? We're all going to be sitting around with nothing to do. Let's smash the farm equipment, right? They actually had the Luddites, right? When the Industrial Revolution came around.
Thomas (00:20:59) - They would go in and they'd smash the machines at night. Right. Because the machines were taking their jobs, you know? Um, well guess what? We're all better off. Did not have to work in the fields anymore to be able to eat, to survive. Right. That led to huge growth in productivity. And everyone lives in big houses now and has televisions and iPhones. And none of this stuff would exist if you had to be in the fields working all day so you could feed yourself, right? So I am a big believer that over time, this is going to lead to another renaissance for humanity, that it is going to take all these meaning, you know, these like meaningless things, like if your job is answering a support call, you know, because someone doesn't know how to reset their password. Um, again, that's your job today, but there's probably something better you could be doing with your life. You know? I mean, my job was to pick the cotton, and now I can't pick cotton anymore.
Thomas (00:21:53) - I've lost my meaning. Right. There's probably a better purpose for for someone out there. Right? So I'm. I fully believe that this is going to lead to a renaissance for humanity, that it's going to lead to huge productivity gains. People can work on things that are meaningful, work on things that they love, work on. You know, um, you know, maybe not work at all. Maybe they'll start doing a universal basic income or something like that for some. I know I shouldn't say that, you know.
Josh (00:22:20) - Uh, right.
Thomas (00:22:21) - You know, and on a libertarian. So but it's, I mean, it's going to lead to huge productivity gains for humanity as a whole. And over the next five years, yeah, there's going to be some growing pains, right? Someone's going to have a job and that job is going to go away. And it was like I did the data entry where I took the data from this computer and entered into that computer. Now, I don't have to do that anymore.
Thomas (00:22:45) - And, you know, I'm mad because my income is gone, but there will be other things that they can do. Um, you know, for any kind of layperson out there, if you figure out how to use these tools and you're ahead of the.
Josh (00:22:57) - Curve.
Thomas (00:22:58) - You'll be able to do things in minutes that used to take days, weeks.
Josh (00:23:03) - It's crazy, you know?
Thomas (00:23:04) - So go and start playing with these tools. Start figuring out, like, my daughter is doing a children's book she's putting into ChatGPT. It's coming up with the illustrations on the fly, right? And then we're writing the thing on top, and we're going to publish She's Nine, by the way. We're going to publish it to the Kindle. And she literally speaks into it and it, you know, puts together what she wants, and then she cuts and paste that and puts it into another document. And anyway, we're going to have a whole children's book done here in a few weeks, and we're going to publish that.
Thomas (00:23:37) - And I couldn't have done this, you know, in a year if I spent all my time on this five years ago, like, I mean, this, I couldn't have even dreamed of doing this. I'm going to illustrate an entire book for for little children, right? I can't draw. I mean, how am I going to do this? You know, and now a nine year old can do it with no money.
Josh (00:23:59) - Wow. So what about the, you know, AI or ChatGPT doesn't do images, right, I thought. I thought that was one.
Thomas (00:24:06) - No, no. So I'm sorry, you heard about ChatGPT a month ago, right? Because every couple of weeks now, they're literally coming out with new features on all of these things where it's changing, you know, literally by, by almost the day. Um, so yeah, now they have their Dall-E product, they've integrated that into ChatGPT. So you can just throw it in there and it'll start spitting out images for you.
Thomas (00:24:31) - The the other one that I liked is um. Stable diffusion is okay. I really like the pictures that you get from Midjourney, right? I think ChatGPT probably does a better job of understanding your prompts than Midjourney does. Midjourney has really cool artwork, like, especially if you're into like sci fi fantasy type stuff. Like it just comes up with these amazing, you know, images, uh, that are unbelievably detailed and, you know. 15 20s so you put it in in 20s later. Boom. Out of pops.
Josh (00:25:03) - Boom. Done. Yeah. Wow. So I love this conversation because, you know, as we talk about the AI renaissance for, you know, for deal makers and such like that, we've touched on many different things on on how this could increase productivity, how it could automate and increase scale, you know, sales and scale. Holy moly. You know, like for me, I used to, uh, I was once a cold caller. I had to call 100 businesses a day, and that was brutal.
Josh (00:25:33) - Yeah. I doesn't, you know, an AI robot or whatever will not tire of dialing thousands and thousands of numbers a day.
Thomas (00:25:43) - Josh, let me let me put it to you a different way. Say. And again, they're changing the tcpa rules. They're getting ahead of this. Right? Because they know it's coming. They know it's coming quick. And you know, we're working on the phone tech, right? So if you think about this, your business, you got two sales reps, right. And they're making their 200 calls a day. We'll just say 100 person. Now I want to scale up and I want to do 2000 calls a day. Right. So I got to hire 18 more guys. I'm going to have turnover. I'm going to have some of those guys not show up. Right. Some of the guys are going to show up. They're going to get on the phone. They're going to go to lunch the first day and never come back. Right. Because it's a hard job.
Thomas (00:26:19) - Yeah, they're going to get to Friday. They're going to break down in tears. And I used to run a call a, you know, an outbound call center. So okay. So you know, these are all things I would actually see, like the person who would go to lunch and never come back. The person would start crying, like after work, like, I just can't do it anymore. And, you know, like like you had to have a thick skin for this stuff, like, you know, I mean, thick skin. Right? So. Anyway. You're going to have a huge amount of attrition in those sorts of jobs, and then you're going to have all the other issues with with the people who are doing those jobs where some of the people are just flat out crazy, you know, and, uh, you know, all sorts of issues that you run into. Um, so I got to scale up now. I got to train all these people as well, and I got to teach them everything that they need to know.
Thomas (00:27:06) - Right. And then I want to scale up. Now we want to go to 20,000 calls a day. I get a higher, you know, 180 more people in 180. I'd probably have to hire 500 to get to that 180. You know. Yeah. And then I, then I want to go up again. I want to go to, you know, I want to go to. 200,000. Well with an I you can go okay. Tomorrow we're going to go up ten x. Right. That's working well for a week. Next week we're going to go up ten x. It's working well I'm going to go up ten x right. So for all intents and purposes you've taken off all the limitations that are out there. Which is why they're passing these rules right now to say, hey, someone has to opt in to get a a call. Right. They just changed the Tccb rules that someone has to opt in to get a call, because otherwise what was going to happen was in 2024 or 2025.
Thomas (00:27:58) - Um, there was going to be businesses that would literally be able to call everyone in America every day. Right. Imagine if there's a thousand businesses that could call everyone in America every day to try to pitch whatever they were selling. Right? Because that's where we were going. If we didn't do this. You've taken off all the constraints.
Josh (00:28:15) - Wow. Wild wild west.
Thomas (00:28:18) - Yeah. So they actually just changed the rules on this. So, um, we're actually setting up a lot of these sales processes for people. We're, you know, we're working on literally tens of millions of dollars of contracts that we've gotten in the last few months. And, um. So what's happening is, you know, it all has to start with an ad, a Google add, a Facebook ad, a Pinterest ad, uh, you know, uh, x ad, uh, they don't call it Twitter anymore. Right? And then that person, you know, says ops in or, you know, does a dial a paper call or a forum filler or whatever.
Thomas (00:28:53) - And then, you know, you start automating out a string of messages to them, texts, emails, etc., because they've now opted into this and it's going to be 1 to 1. It used to be that you could basically resell their data as many times as you want. Um, but now it has to be an opt in basis and you can't resell that data to a data partner. It has to be one company. So ABC company is the, you know, person on record who owns that data. They're the only ones who are going to be able to call that person, um, you know, versus being sold 100 times down the line. Right. Which is the way it worked as of like a week ago. And, uh, then set up Autoresponders for anything, push the, you know, have the auto responders use the AI to push them towards the goal, whatever that goal might be, uh, to call to book an appointment. Um, and we have the AI where it can, you know, tell them, hey, call this number or hey, let's set up a call.
Thomas (00:29:46) - Uh, let's set up an appointment. Okay? We're going to be at your house Tuesday at, you know, 330, and then we'll send automated reminders out so the person doesn't forget, you know? So those are those are all the things that I've been working on.
Josh (00:29:59) - So exciting. Makes me nervous, but at the same time, I love your I love your illustration. You know, like, are we going to go, you know, 200 years ago we talked all the farmers and the farmers go, oh, that's going to freak us out. You know, let's let's not, you know, evolve or whatever. Right. So like great, great illustration. I appreciate you sharing this. And thank you for walking us through the the world of AI because to be honest, man, I've been playing on it, but I'm not even anywhere close to where you guys are and what you're building. So let's do this for the for the company that's getting that massive amount of volume for for customer service, you know, inbound inquiries and Q&A questions and all all of the above.
Josh (00:30:44) - Like what's a good place for them to connect with you and find out more information to, um, get some help.
Thomas (00:30:50) - Just go to bigly If you, you know, give us a call or fill out a form, you know we're there. We actually have a live, uh, button that you can press. And if it's during regular business hours, we'll connect you right to a live sales person. Right. Who can go and help you out. Um, you know, for any of that automation stuff, if you want help with it, we have an SDK that is coming out, you know, kind of any day now. Uh, so if you just want to do it yourself is a larger company and you got a big tech team of engineers and know how to do this stuff, you know, go ahead and use that and it'll save you a whole lot of time. And the way that we've structured it for the queries and everything, it should be cheaper just to use our SDK than to actually go and set up the API for ChatGPT yourself.
Thomas (00:31:33) - Yeah, we have all the vector databases and stuff like that. They're set up to to make the queries cheaper. Um, you know, so we'll actually save you money by, by using our SDK or if you just want someone to do it for you and you know, you're a decent sized company and you're like, hey, can you help us out? We have 100,000 people in our system and we want to, you know, do outreach to them. We have this opt in list. Um, and we we want to do outreach. Uh, we can absolutely go and set that up for you and set this up on everything as well. Right. You want this on your social media. You want this on your emails. You want this on your text messages. You want it on everything. You know, we'll be able to handle that. You want auto responses. If you guys miss a call after hours you want right. And then have the AI be able to actually field, uh, any responses that you get, um, with your company data, we can absolutely do that for you.
Josh (00:32:29) - Yeah. Super cool. So what we'll do is we'll put all that information in the show notes below. So, uh, fellow dealmakers in the audience, if this is you and you'd like to learn more, uh, Tom's information will be in the the show notes. So connect with our guests. Say thanks for being on the show. Thanks for opening our eyes to all the different aspects of AI, how it can be used and and, uh, how to prepare for, you know, how to prepare for it and, you know, take advantage of it in a, in a good way. So, uh, as always, reach out to our guests, say thank you. Uh, if you have a deal or a process or some way that helps and serves the dealmaker community, head on over to the deal. Scout. Com fill out a quick form and maybe we'll get you on the show next. Till then, we'll talk to you all on the next episode. Love you guys.
Josh (00:33:14) - See you.

Thomas Ryan
Thomas Ryan is the visionary leader and driving force behind Bigly Sales, an innovative AI sales automation company revolutionizing the sales process. As the CEO and founder, Thomas has been instrumental in developing cutting-edge AI tools that redefine sales efficiency, with a particular focus on Lead Generation.
Thomas's journey into the world of AI-driven sales solutions began with his background in the staffing industry, where he specialized in headhunting and connecting companies with highly specialized talent. However, disillusioned with the staffing industry's changing landscape and the increasing reliance on automated processes, Thomas decided to channel his passion for data and finding the perfect fit into creating streamlined solutions through technology.
Before founding Bigly Sales, Thomas honed his executive skills as the CEO of Workbeast LLC. His strategic vision and leadership were evident during his tenure on the board of Barton and Associates, where he contributed to an impressive 1500% revenue growth over a decade. This experience highlighted his ability to drive substantial growth and transformation within organizations.
Bigly Sales started with the early adoption of AI, initially as a CRM for small businesses. However, Thomas quickly identified the primary interest in Lead Generation among business owners. This realization led to the development of innovative tools, including customizable landing pages, an email-writing tool capable of scraping thousands of websites, and an AI Autoresponder powered by ChatGPT. The AI … Read More